air up®

air up®

Nahrungsmittel- und Getränkeherstellung

Munich, Bavaria 28.763 Follower:innen

first hydration system that flavors water through scent alone.


air up® is so much more than a water bottle. As the world’s first refillable drinking system that flavors water through scent alone: it’s a hydration revolution. What's meant by this? Science shows that the majority of what we perceive as flavor is actually derived from scents. Our one-of-a-kind drinking system transports carefully-crafted flavors from our pods through the mouth all the way to your olfactory receptors - and that's when your brain perceives the scent as flavor. This is called “retronasal olfaction” - just drinking water, but perceiving it as a flavored beverage. Mind-blowing, we know. But it’s just science.* Since its launch in Europe in July 2019, air up® has grown into a company that operates in over 11 countries, has more than 300 employees, and enjoys a customer base in the millions. Interested in following the #thinknewdrinknew journey? Check us out on Facebook and Instagram. Let’s make scents of it [together]. *Link to study regarding taste found here:,from%20the%20sense%20of%20smell.

Nahrungsmittel- und Getränkeherstellung
201–500 Beschäftigte
Munich, Bavaria


Beschäftigte von air up®


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    2:0 for Startups 🏆 At this year's Startup Night Ingolstadt, hosted by the Center of Entrepreneurship at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Andreas Fraas, Team Lead IP at #airup, was the featured guest in the Fireside Talk. Granted, it was a tough timeslot, as it coincided with the soccer match between Germany and Hungary, but fortunately, people were highly interested and engaged. 🌟 Alongside Dr. Christian A. Mohr, he explored our transformative journey, discussed lessons learned in trademarks, patents, and counterfeiting, and delved into the future of modern IP management using lean, Six Sigma, and agile methods. Thank you to the CoE team for having us, and congratulations to the winners of the Startup competition 💜

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  • Unternehmensseite von air up® anzeigen, Grafik

    28.763 Follower:innen

    We won "Startup of the Year" at the German Brand Awards 2024 🏆 💛 🚀 According to the jury, "In our branding, we strongly focus on health by making water more appealing without artificial additives or sugar, resonating well with the growing health consciousness of consumers. Additionally, we skillfully leverage social media and influencer marketing to target a young, lifestyle-oriented audience, establishing ourselves as a trendy and innovative brand." Toma Perret, Head of Global Brand Strategy, and Jahan Guldurdyyeva, Community Manager, accepted the award at yesterday's event in Berlin on behalf of the entire company. Afterwards, Toma shared the Inspiration Stage with Verena Sudarić-Hefner (Universal Music Group) to talk in-depth about the power of creator marketing. Thank you Rat für Formgebung - German Design Council & the jury 💛

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    Profil von Lena Jüngst anzeigen, Grafik

    air up®️ Co-Founder + Co-Inventor | Scent-based taste expert | Forbes 30 under 30 | Passionate about creatively nudging people into better consumption behaviors + inspiring change through design

    Da saß ich um zwei Uhr nachts an den finalen Designentwürfen und mir schoss der Gedanke durch den Kopf: Wenn ich jetzt einen Fehler einbaue, haben wir 80.000 Startersets für den Mülleimer produziert. 👀 Im Rahmen der Summer School 2024 von Harvard Business manager, Manager Magazines und manage › forward berichte ich zusammen mit Maximilian Böck (Marc O'Polo SE) und Thomas Saueressig (SAP) - deren Berichte ich sehr inspirierend finde - von meinen Erfahrungen als junge Unternehmerin. ➡ Wie geht man mit Momenten der totalen Überforderung um? ➡ Wie lernt man, Manager:in zu sein, während das eigene Unternehmen in kürzester Zeit von einem Studentenprojekt zu einem internationalen Erfolg wächst? ➡ Wie findet man seine Rolle, wenn man vorher noch nie wirklich angestellt war und Geschäftsführerin der erste Job überhaupt ist? Nun ja, es gibt leider kein Geheimrezept als Antwort auf diese Fragen und egal wie man es angeht, ich bin mir sicher "It's a bumpy road". 🚵♀️ Aus eigener Erfahrung kann ich sagen: Ich habe noch nie so viel gelernt. Sowohl über Themen, mit denen ich dachte, nie etwas zu tun haben zu müssen, als auch über mich selbst: Stärken, Schwächen und Blind Spots. Ich glaube, so offen und ehrlich habe ich noch nie über die weniger glamourösen Seiten des Unternehmertums gesprochen. Schaut gerne mal in den Artikel. 💛 Vielen Dank an Franziska Martin und Claudia Witte für das angenehme Gespräch.

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  • Unternehmensseite von air up® anzeigen, Grafik

    28.763 Follower:innen

    "Creating a new category is not an everyday challenge" We are thrilled to unveil our first rebrand since 2019, designed by Mother Design. This rebrand strengthens our position as a beverage industry leader, addressing new consumer needs and driving global expansion. 🌎 The new brand identity, capturing the balance between responsibility and play, features a custom typeface, vibrant color palette, and playful tone. It reflects our commitment to evolving with our growing business and reaching diverse audiences. 🗣️ We’re excited to roll out this fresh look across all platforms and continue our journey as an innovative brand. Stay tuned for more! 🌟 A heartfelt thank you to our incredible team who contributed with their expertise to make this project a reality. 💛🧡💚💙

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    Profil von Lena Jüngst anzeigen, Grafik

    air up®️ Co-Founder + Co-Inventor | Scent-based taste expert | Forbes 30 under 30 | Passionate about creatively nudging people into better consumption behaviors + inspiring change through design

    "If you consume 1 sugary beverage per day, your diabetes risk rises by 29%..." 🤯🍭🚩 High sugar consumption also leads to mental health issues, cognitive decline, and early death. It's a primary cause of ADD and is addictive. I've explored much about our food industry's impact, but the latest interview with Steven Bartlett and Robert Lustig, professor emeritus of pediatrics at University of California, San Francisco, is the most comprehensive discussion yet. It offers eye-opening statistics and connects the dots to major issues like the mental health crisis and the rise in ADD/autism. Our current crises are deeply connected, and we're not doing enough to address them. A Not-So-Fun Fact from air up®: Last year, we defended our ad claiming "sugar is addictive" against the Sugar lobby in the Netherlands. Unfortunately, we weren't successful. 😑 Key podcast insights: ▶️ Sugar disrupts dopamine and serotonin, leading to depression (5% globally, 22% in the US) and concentration issues. ▶️ Dopamine-driven pleasure is short-term and often solitary, leading to addiction and reduced reward over time. ▶️ Serotonin-driven happiness is long-term and social, not achieved through substances. Excess dopamine can lower serotonin, making you less happy. ▶️ Sugar contains glucose and fructose. Glucose is metabolized by all cells and helps regulate energy and appetite. Fructose is processed by the liver, leading to fat storage and overeating. ▶️ The liver can handle 12g of fructose daily (4g for children). The US average is 50g/day. ▶️ Diabetes prevalence changes with sugar intake, with a three-year lag. ▶️ The toxicity of one sugary soda equals two diet sodas.

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    Profil von Christian (Chris) Hauth anzeigen, Grafik

    CEO @ air up GmbH | having the time of my life - EY Entrepreneur of the Year

    So f****** proud of the team around Patric Fornasier air up®! Next to 27 new product launches this year we also rebuild our core sales platform ( It's still being a/b tested but already with just 25% of the features of the old platform it's outperforming the older sibling! It's light, it's fast, it's accessible and it's 100% developed together with our (potential) customers each step of the way. And yes, it's gonna look even better in a few weeks! Soon to be rolled out in DE, UK, NL, IT, US too... Accessible already partially in FR, SE, CZ and a few surprise countries. #excitetheordinary #inhouse #thinknew #customercentricity #dreamteam #nextjs special thanks to: Frédéric Mayot Marc Hofer Alex Carro Lukasz Plotnicki Lasse Poulsen Julian Becker and so many others for leading the change!!!

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    28.763 Follower:innen

    💛 air up is one of the Top Female Workplaces 2024 SHEconomy - Die Wirtschaftsplattform für Frauen. 365 Tage im Jahr. and kununu have teamed up to highlight 250 German companies who make a significant contribution to a diverse and fair working environment. 🧡 This award is unique in that companies couldn't apply for a ranking; it's solely based on reviews from individuals identifying as female or diverse on Its explicit aim is to highlight women's satisfaction in their workplace. 💪🏻 While we're honored to be recognized, we know there's always more to do. Let's continue to foster a diverse and inclusive environment together. #WorkplaceEquality

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    Profil von Lena Jüngst anzeigen, Grafik

    air up®️ Co-Founder + Co-Inventor | Scent-based taste expert | Forbes 30 under 30 | Passionate about creatively nudging people into better consumption behaviors + inspiring change through design

    💛 Papa, guck mal, ich bin im manager magazin 💚 Kaum auf der OMR angekommen, erschien dieser tolle Artikel im manager magazin, worüber ich mich sehr freue. Er entstand vor zwei Monaten während meines Besuchs in unserem air up® Pop-Up Store in Amsterdam. Das war sowieso schon ein aufregender und sehr schöner Tag, an den ich gerne zurückdenke. Einige der Themen, über die wir gesprochen haben: ➡️ Unser Rekordumsatz 2023 ➡️ Die neuen Mini Sipper Bottles für Kids ➡️ Unsere Learnings beim Thema Nachhaltigkeit ➡️ Die Umstellung auf Pods aus biobasierten Kunststoff Jannis, Simon, Tim, Christian, Jenna, Tobias, Patric, Fabian, Christian & alle air uppies: Ich freue mich schon auf alles, was noch kommt 🚀 Danke für deine Zeit und das gute Gespräch, lieber Claus Gorgs. Auch vielen Dank, Kai Lange, dafür dass du den Artikel gestern zu deiner persönlichen Lesempfehlung erklärt hast. 🔗 Link zum Artikel (+) in den Kommentaren

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  • Unternehmensseite von air up® anzeigen, Grafik

    28.763 Follower:innen

    🏆 A big night for #airup 🏆 Irene, Shrihari, Alexander & Stefan dazzled at the prestigious iF DESIGN AWARD NIGHT in Berlin, accepting the award for our Gen 2 Tritan™ Renew bottle (and, clearly, having an absolute blast 🌟). This accolade means a lot to us as it is an acknowledgment of our team's commitment to innovation and efforts in promoting a healthy and sustainable lifestyle as the most appealing option. 💙💚 To all of our incredible air uppies who have made this achievement possible: Thank you! Each and every one of you has played a vital role, and we couldn't have reached this milestone without your contribution.💜 PS: We've gotten a bit of a taste for awards now. Let's see what else comes our way this year... 😉

    • 🏆 A big night for #airup 🏆

Irene, Shrihari, Alexander & Stefan dazzled at the prestigious @iF DESIGN AWARD NIGHT in Berlin, accepting the iF DESIGN Award 2024 for our Gen 2 Tritan™ Renew bottle (and, clearly, having an absolute blast 🌟).

This award means a lot to us as it is an acknowledgment of our team's commitment to innovation and efforts in promoting a healthy and sustainable lifestyle as the most appealing option. 💙💚

Again, this award goes to all of our incredible air uppies who have made this achievement possible. Each and every one of you has played a vital role, and we couldn't have reached this milestone without your contribution.💜

PS: We've gotten a bit of a taste for awards now. Let's see what else comes our way this year.. 😉
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