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Questions tagged [judgment]

Questions about God's rewarding or punishing mankind, and nations, according to their conduct.

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Do Christians believe that the laws of the Old Testament still apply today, or did Jesus end that? [duplicate]

I struggle a little bit in understanding the Christian belief about the OT laws as a Muslim. One of the things that confuses me is that half of Christians say that deeds aren’t important; that ...
Victor's user avatar
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5 answers

Do all moral humans go to heaven?

Given a person X who leads a "moral life" based on the law laid out in the Bible. Given that X does not believe in the existence of God or any other God. If the Christian Faith happens to be ...
8Mad0Manc8's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Are there Christian denominations that expect Jesus to respect denominationalism in the final judgement?

Of course many (if not most) denominations believe that what they teach and believe as doctrine critical to salvation is, in fact, critical to salvation. Most denominations also teach and believe ...
Mike Borden's user avatar
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7 answers

Why is God's Judgment only Heaven or Hell?

I know very little of the Christian Faith or of any other faith for that matter, but this question struck me as relevant maybe not just to Christianity but also to all faiths as a whole. Penal systems ...
8Mad0Manc8's user avatar
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Will God love those whom He'll punish eternally? [closed]

According to the hymn The Love of God, God's love "reaches to the lowest hell": The love of God is greater far Than tongue or pen can ever tell; It goes beyond the highest star, And reaches ...
The Editor's user avatar
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1 answer

Why are indulgences ever needed for oneself?

Like crimes in legal systems, sins have two consequences: they make me guilty (the conviction) of trespassing God's law, and they involve a punishment (the sentence) for such trespassing. In the ...
luchonacho's user avatar
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Middle Ages quaint anniversaries for March 25th?

The following blog has a quaint list of anniversaries for the Feast of the Annunciation: Thus we find in some calendars of the Middle Ages the following quaint “anniversaries” listed for March 25: ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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6 votes
6 answers

Protestantism: If justification is by faith alone how can judgement be by works?

The idea of justification seems to come often in Paul, Romans 3:20: Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin Jesus ...
Dan's user avatar
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What are the arguments against the idea that God will condemn non-believers to Hell even if they do more good than Christians? [closed]

The background of this question is in the conversation Abraham and God has over the inhabitants of Sodom. God is focusing on whether anyone within the city of Sodom is good or righteous, God doesn't ...
So Few Against So Many's user avatar
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Does the 1:1 ratio of wise virgins to foolish ones have any significance?

We see in Mtt 25:1-13 Jesus presenting the Parable of Ten Virgins. Of the ten, five are wise , anticipate delay in arrival of the groom, and stock enough oil to last through the ceremony. Five are ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

According to the Bible, is envy a blameworthy emotion?

Note that I'm not asking whether envy is bad. It's common sense that envy is bad and that it's also bad to make others feel envy. What I'm asking is whether experiencing envy is blameworthy. That Envy ...
Fomalhaut's user avatar
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3 answers

Supposing Jesus will judge the living and the dead, is this judgment an omniscient one?

Supposing Jesus will judge the living and the dead, is this judgment an omniscient one? I would be absolutely terrified of the claim that anything except an omniscient God is capable of condemning me ...
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Bema judgement of bad works

Bible commentators generally believe that Christians will be rewarded for good works at the Bema judgement. I am unclear of the purpose of judging my evil/bad/worthless works after I am already saved ...
Bill C's user avatar
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4 answers

In what ways do Christian denominations reconcile the discrepancy between Hebrews 9:27 and its Biblical counter-examples?

Hebrews 9:27 King James Version 27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Background: Hebrews 9:27 is used literally to refute the concept of reincarnation and ...
scm - Personal Friend of Jesus's user avatar
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Did Jesus set different standards for expressing compassion towards a foreigner versus a gentile?

In a fore-frame of Final Judgement, we see Jesus telling those on his left: I was a stranger and you did not welcome me (Matt 25:43) The concept of one's being kind to the stranger is derived from ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar

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