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Questions tagged [love]

Relating to the biblical concept of love, usually translated from the Greek words - Agape (God's love), Philos (Brotherly love), or Eros (Romantic Love).

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2 answers

Praying for Conversion will be right?

Actually me and my girlfriend are in a relationship from 7 months. But the problem is we are from different religions. We can't lose eachother. As I know I worship the True God Jesus. According to ...
John Mamoon's user avatar
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How does the Catholic Church reconcile Matt 22:39 with Luke 14:26?

In Luke 14:26 (Douay-Rheims) we read: If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea and his own life also, he cannot be my ...
harry jansson's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Should Christians repent for the failures of Christianity to live up to Christ's commands in Church history? [closed]

Looking back at church history, the Universal Church has failed miserably at keeping Christ’s command when it comes to all Christians. A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just ...
Perry Webb's user avatar
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7 answers

Why do bad things happen to the innocent?

OK, so to start, I searched this topic on the exchange and found no answers that were satisfying. I am not questioning God, I just have a hard time coming to terms with why bad things happen to the ...
Mike Robinson's user avatar
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5 answers

Will God love those whom He'll punish eternally? [closed]

According to the hymn The Love of God, God's love "reaches to the lowest hell": The love of God is greater far Than tongue or pen can ever tell; It goes beyond the highest star, And reaches ...
The Editor's user avatar
-1 votes
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Did Jesus believe and teach that God loved all people?

Jesus was raised as a Jew in a Jewish culture. All Jewish male children, starting at age 5, were taught the Torah and were required to memorized parts of Torah, along with how to read and write. ...
Robert Corrigan's user avatar
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Are all Christians expected to have a "positively meaningful and reciprocal conscious relationship" with God?

For context, I'd recommend reading first the answers to What exactly would count as a "positively meaningful and reciprocal conscious relationship" between a person and a God? on Philosophy ...
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Why is it rational to love my enemies?

Matthew 5:44 KJV But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; In Buddhism, it is ...
Fomalhaut's user avatar
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Loving my neighbour's enemy

The New Testament is very clear that Christians should love their enemy and turn the other cheek. Similarly, Christians should defend others and stand up against injustice. These things are somewhat ...
Bennet's user avatar
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Where else is anything to be prized above life to be found in the Old Testament?

According to Psalms 63:4 in the NAB: For your love is better than life; my lips shall ever praise you! Now, according to the commentary contained therein: For your love is better than life: only ...
DDS's user avatar
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St. Faustina on the measure of the love of God in the soul

In entry (774) of her Diary, Divine Mercy in My Soul, St. Faustina writes: "... in the spiritual life, suffering is the thermometer which measures the love of God in a soul." The complete ...
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3 answers

Why is there no cross-reference to Deut 5:9-10 on the loving nature of God the Father , in the New Testament?

We read in Deut 5:9-10 : ..for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
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What is the Catholic understanding of what "God is Love" means according to the four senses of scripture?

Until reading Dr. Peter Kreeft's Socratic Logic chapter on definitions, I had no idea that "God is Love" (1 John 4:16) is a metaphor. Quote from Section 4 (The limits of definition) page ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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It is possible to understand the love of God by logical implications?

I think the love of God can just be felt by the Holy Spirit, but am I able to verify His love by reading the Bible and studying His personality using basic logic (implications and equivalences)? I get ...
Davi Américo's user avatar
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What is an overview of Christian spiritual practices for cultivating and increasing love over time?

Love is, without question, the most fundamental virtue and principle of Christianity. The Apostle John makes this very clear: 7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever ...
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