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Questions tagged [heaven]

Heaven is a place of eternal life, in the presence of God.

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2 answers

How can the Christian faith be reconciled with the Epicurean problem of evil?

I understand that a form of this question would have been previously asked, however I think I have a slight difference with regard to a solution to this problem, with regard to God. The problem of ...
8Mad0Manc8's user avatar
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Protestants, does Jesus in Luke 13:28 say that people in hell will be tormented by being able to look into heaven and see what they're missing out on?

For reference, here's Luke 13:28, ESV: In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God but you ...
another-prodigal's user avatar
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Did Joseph Smith go to heaven according to Protestant Trinitarians?

According to the Mormon Doctrine written by Bruce McConkie, If it had not been for Joseph Smith and the restoration, there would be no salvation. There is no salvation outside The Church of Jesus ...
Human the Man's user avatar
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Do the angels in heaven ever get scared of the thunders and lightnings proceeding from the great white throne?

I have read the scripture and learnt that spiritual entities like the demons are capable of emotions of fear, this can be validated by the Biblical verse where The Holy Spirit speaking through the ...
So Few Against So Many's user avatar
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7 answers

Why is God's Judgment only Heaven or Hell?

I know very little of the Christian Faith or of any other faith for that matter, but this question struck me as relevant maybe not just to Christianity but also to all faiths as a whole. Penal systems ...
8Mad0Manc8's user avatar
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Is the seventh heaven or the first heaven the dwelling of the Most High?

The Bible unlocks another mystery about the dwelling of God, the place that His Christ is preparing for the saints. There is apparently more than one heaven. Paul wrote of a man who was received in ...
So Few Against So Many's user avatar
-2 votes
5 answers

Why would non-Christians go to hell?

If being a non-Christian is a sin, and if Jesus died for all of our sins, why should non-Christians go to hell?
Mahmudul Hasan Jabir   's user avatar
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Is heaven the eternal home of all faithful worshippers of God?

Why do many Christians believe that heaven is the eternal home of the righteous; but in Matt 5:5 Christ stated that the meek will inherit the earth. And in 2 Peter 3:13, apostle Peter made mention of &...
Aaron Choba's user avatar
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Does the body of Jesus breathe oxygen in heaven?

Before Jesus died on the cross, his body was functioning as of that any other human being where he was breathing to stay alive and then he took his last breath and died. Then rose from the dead and ...
So Few Against So Many's user avatar
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Do Catholics believe that Nephilim (Genesis 6:1-4) go to Purgatory?

I'm not Catholic, but I want to know the opinion and how Catholics who study the Word of God understand and interpret this passage of Genesis 6:1-4 that talks about a humanoid race of giants and if ...
Felipe Ligeiro's user avatar
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St. Thomas Aquinas on the Question: "What Must I Do to Go to Heaven?''

There is a story that relates to St. Thomas Aquinas and the question of "What must I do to go to Heaven" that I thought was somewhat famous, but I can't seem to locate it. As I recall, the ...
DDS's user avatar
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What happens in heaven if you remarry?

Let me just pretext by saying I am not a Christian and everything I say is based on my limited knowledge as a non-christian. I am asking this question purely out of curiosity. Please correct me if ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Bema judgement of bad works

Bible commentators generally believe that Christians will be rewarded for good works at the Bema judgement. I am unclear of the purpose of judging my evil/bad/worthless works after I am already saved ...
Bill C's user avatar
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Does the "Oh My Jesus" prayer support universalist beliefs among Roman Catholics?

Particularly, "Lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of thy mercy" implies a belief that everyone will eventually be saved. After all, who is more in need of God's mercy ...
K Man's user avatar
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According to mainstream Christian groups, is it the soul or the body that goes to heaven?

During his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said "It is better for you to lose one member of your body that causes you to sin than have your whole body thrown into hell" (Matt 5:30b) From the ...
So Few Against So Many's user avatar

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