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Questions tagged [penance]

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Why are indulgences ever needed for oneself?

Like crimes in legal systems, sins have two consequences: they make me guilty (the conviction) of trespassing God's law, and they involve a punishment (the sentence) for such trespassing. In the ...
luchonacho's user avatar
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History of sackcloth and ashes?

I had always considered that the wearing of sackcloth and ashes was a particularly a Hebrew penance tradition. In Jonah the Ninevites, who were decidedly not Hebrew, wore sack cloth and ashes per the ...
Maximus Meridius's user avatar
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What was the old style of penance, before modern indulgences?

In this answer, it is mentioned that the times listed for various indulgences corresponds not to that amount of time off Purgatory, but to a remission equivalent to what one would get from performing ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
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In Catholicism, is "offering it up" more aligned to the concept of merit or penance/satisfaction?

What is "offering it up" As a Protestant, the Catholic practice of "offering it up" is new to me, although once I am acquainted with it, it seems very Biblical; see this article ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
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What penances do priests do for sins they absolve?

I watched this video by Fr. Mike Schmitz, near the end he says that after a long time of not going, he made a general confession and was given one Hail Mary as penance and the priest said that he was ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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What is Penance and what has been its traditional role in the Catholic Church?

Penance is a confusing term to me. It seems to be tied to confession and temporal sin but I don't fully understand it. What is Penance and how has it been understood by the Catholic Church? Oh also ...
Luke Hill's user avatar
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Why did the Jansenists practice such harsh penances?

If the Jansenists did not deny the gratuity of grace, thinking grace cannot be earned or merited, why did they practice penances sometimes considered harsh?
Geremia's user avatar
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Does Eucharistic Adoration fulfill the Obligation of Penance required of all Catholics on Fridays throughout the year?

While giving a presentation on the Blessed Sacrament, I was informed that Eucharistic Adoration does not fulfill our requirement to do penance on Fridays during the year. After a brief disagreement ...
Marc's user avatar
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Does a Catholic have recourse if a priest gives a ridiculously harsh or impossible penance?

Say that a person went to confession and confessed a sin, and the priest gives a ridiculously harsh penance (e.g. row across the Atlantic Ocean), or even an impossible penance (fly to the moon). If ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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What is the Biblical and Traditional basis for doing Penance for others?

I know we can do penance for ourselves, but how is it possible to do so for others? And also, it seems we can do penance even for non-believers, how does that work?
Destynation Y's user avatar
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What is the purpose of the Penitential Rite in a Catholic Mass?

The Mass in the Roman Catholic Church includes a Penitential Rite, where a Penitential Act is effected. However, as the Roman Misal states (page 55): After this, the Priest calls upon the whole ...
luchonacho's user avatar
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According to the Catholic Church, how do you perform an examination of conscience?

When preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we are instructed to perform an examination of conscience. How exactly are we supposed to go about doing this? I am looking for a thorough, ...
Please stop being evil's user avatar
7 votes
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Purgatory for those who are saved outside the Church?

The Catholic Church teaches that some might be saved outside the Catholic Church. This question relates to those, for example a non-denominational Christian that lives his life ignorantly but ...
Marc's user avatar
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What is the Catholic/Anglican understanding of how the Sacrament of Reconciliation began?

How did the Sacrament of Reconciliation begin? I have tried to find this answer but can not trust Wikipedia and do not need any more answers for when it came to be.
Amy's user avatar
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Can an uncatecized but baptized Catholic receive absolution from a priest?

I'm a baptized Catholic but I have not been confirmed. I've gone to mass on and off for a couple of years but I have not compled RCIA or any instruction. I fall under the category of baptized ...
user1261710's user avatar

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