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Questions tagged [checkmate]

Questions relating to checkmating.

1 vote
2 answers

Rules of Checkmate [duplicate]

I’ve attached a picture of the board configuration of an end game. Black wins this game by checkmate, however, I’m wondering how this is valid checkmate? To my understanding, checkmate occurs when a ...
vegeta1's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the DTM for White is this 7 piece position?

I know that is winning for White because of the Syzygy tablebases. But Stockfish 14.1 NNUE, without tablebases, returns an evaluation of only +3.23 at depth =72(!). What is White's DTM? [FEN "8/...
Stefano's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Need Techniques for Bishop and Knight Checkmate

I understand the process for how to checkmate once in this position: [fen "7k/8/5K2/5B2/5N2/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"] But I need a technique for reliably getting into that kind of position from, ...
Adam Gluntz's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the largest n such that discrete forced mate in one through mate in "n" exist?

This is admittedly a bit of an obscure question, so I apologize for the awkward wording of the question. To begin, assume you are playing as White, and that a "forcing move" is any move that ...
AKemats's user avatar
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Average number of moves until checkmate for two players of unequal strenth

Suppose a game is played, until checkmate, between players of unequal strength, say 1800 vs 2800. What would be the average number of moves be for, say, 1000 games? I also ponder 2000 vs 2800 and 2200 ...
Predrag Ivosev's user avatar
-1 votes
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Could FIDE make a rule allowing for a visual announcement of check and checkmate?

Using verbal methods in announcing check and checkmate in tournaments is, for the arbiters, the players etc, unpleasant. But, on the other hand, prohibiting any means for an announcement is annoying ...
salah's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What is the longest possible forced checkmate sequence?

As title says. My question is about legal positions (positions which could be reached in actual games), but if there is a known solution with an illegal position to start the sequence, I'd be ...
Mauro Giliberti's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Strategy to win with a king and queen against a king and pawn about to promote?

I've been doing puzzles on a site and like to continue practicing against the computer. In many of the puzzles I end up with a situation like this where I was able to promote my black pawn to a queen ...
Jason Goemaat's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why do people say you can't mate with just a bishop? [closed]

I mean, looks pretty checkmate to me. Everywhere I look this up, they never speak about the fact that it is at least theoretically possible to win with just a bishop and a king. Why is that? I mean ...
parhine's user avatar
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2 answers

Why can white not mate in this position?

In the attached position, why can't white mate? Is it not possible to go Rxc6 and depending on blacks response go Rxc6. [FEN "4r1k1/1p3ppp/2b5/5n2/pp6/8/P4PPP/2R1R1K1 w - - 0 1"] Source: ...
sunsetsamurai's user avatar
1 vote
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Is this king in checkmate?

Consider this chess board set up: Is the black king allowed to move to B4 or D4? The knight on C6 would put their white king in check if it moves. I haven't really read any rules about this so ...
parhine's user avatar
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The fastest dualed mates in n

Hauke Reddmann asked a cool question about the quickest dual-free mates in n's from the starting position. But this is a rather limited scope. I wish to attack this idea from a different angle. What ...
Rewan Demontay's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Can there be a checkmate with maximum points of material (103) while covering 64 squares?

Is it possible to compose a game where these three conditions are simultaneously satisfied? No White piece is gone but every Black piece except the king is. All the white pawns are promoted to a ...
Vivaan's user avatar
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4 answers

Is there a name for this mating pattern?

What's the name of the mating pattern starting with the move 21...Ng4!? [FEN ""] 1. d4 Nf6 2. Nc3 c5 3. d5 e6 4. e4 exd5 5. exd5 d6 6. Nf3 Be7 7. Bb5+ Nbd7 8. a4 O-O 9. O-O b6 10. Bc6 Rb8 ...
James Ko's user avatar
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Would there be more decisive games if we began to see stalemates as checkmates? And hence more "interesting" chess? [closed]

I think it is up for debate as to whether a stalemate should be a win or a draw. I agree stalemates make beginner chess more interesting but we rarely see games at international level end in stalemate....
N.S.JOHN's user avatar
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