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Questions tagged [patterns]

Chess patterns are themes and ideas that are repeated in many chess games. Strong players recognize patterns very quickly. Indeed, this is one of the reasons that they can evaluate and find good moves in a short amount of time. Patterns include tactical tricks (forks, skewers, pins) and checkmating patterns (see also wikipedia:

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The Most Frequent Checkmate Patterns

Of the main checkmate patterns which are the most frequent (in games that ended with a checkmate)? Based on chess literature the Back-rank mate is arguably the most common, I would expect the Queen ...
chesshomem's user avatar
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Has O-O ever been played without moving the e or g pawns?

Normally the e or g pawn must be moved (to release the bishop) before castling kingside is possible. However, it’s theoretically possible for a knight to have taken the bishop without these pawns ever ...
Brennan Vincent's user avatar
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Moving a piece to a square protected by 5 opponent's pieces

At the 5th round of the 2022 FIDE World Team Championship, in the game between Ivanchuk and Van Foreest, White played the following winning move: [FEN "1n1q2k1/2r1rp1p/pp1b1np1/3pN3/3P4/BP4PB/...
double-beep's user avatar
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Unique tactic motif? Surely not

Played by me yesterday in the Hamburg team championship. [FEN ""] 1. d4 f5 2. h3 Nf6 3. g4 fxg4 4. hxg4 Nxg4 5. Qd3 g6 6. Nf3 d6 7. Bh3 Nc6 8. Bxg4 Bxg4 9. Rxh7 Bf5 10. Rxh8 Bxd3 11. Bh6 ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
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What is the name of this mating motif?

Anyone know the name of this motif? I have seen it several times, but never knew the name. Source Polgar 5334 problems. Can one classify this as a Legal's trap motif due to the famous Queen sacrifice(...
miniHessel's user avatar
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What is this tactic called?

[FEN "6k1/rp3ppq/p2p4/1p1Pr1nQ/1P2P3/4R1N1/P1B2P2/4R1K1 b - - 0 1"] 1... Nh3+ 2. Qxh3 (2. Kh2 Rxh5) 2... Qxh3 Black to move. After Nh3+ white can move the king or take with the queen. ...
user2664856's user avatar
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Which opening contains this trap?

The sequence of moves for White is Nd5, Bb4, and then Bb5, capturing the queen by a fork. The pattern should look something like the below position. I remember that I've seen this trap in some opening,...
nik tomas's user avatar
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Is there a name for this mating pattern?

What's the name of the mating pattern starting with the move 21...Ng4!? [FEN ""] 1. d4 Nf6 2. Nc3 c5 3. d5 e6 4. e4 exd5 5. exd5 d6 6. Nf3 Be7 7. Bb5+ Nbd7 8. a4 O-O 9. O-O b6 10. Bc6 Rb8 ...
James Ko's user avatar
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What is the B+N checkmate position that leads to a longest mate?

Black is trying to avoid a mating net that forces it into the wrong corner. To build the mating net, the White king should cut the black king off the center first, by controlling the center itself. ...
eguneys's user avatar
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Take my Queen, Please

I find the conclusion of the following game very aesthetic. White could have won by taking in d3 or in f5, but played the cute Qe5, which sacrifices the Queen, puts Queens side-by-side (in the middle ...
Kortchnoi's user avatar
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What is this formation called?

I recently came across this formation at random. I vaguely remember reading about it around a decade ago. I want to know if this is a known play. [FEN "8/8/8/8/8/2NPPN2/PPPBBPPP/2RQKR2 w - - 0 1&...
Omie's user avatar
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Guide to using a book

I am currently twenty years old. I learned the rules of chess when I was eight and played on and off for a long time. However, I did not take it seriously. Recently after joining and trying ...
Pranav's user avatar
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What's this mate called?

I've blundered and had this played on me before. Is there a specific name for the mate? [FEN "8/8/8/8/1n6/8/qPP5/1KR5 w - - 0 1"]
Nico Damascus's user avatar
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Full "reverse checkers" position in GM game with 12 or more pieces per player?

In yesterday's Tata Steel tournament in this game between Dubov and Artemiev this position was reached: [title "Dubov - Artemiev Tata Steel 2020"] [fen "r1r5/1p1q1pk1/2n1p1p1/2RpP2p/p2P3P/P1Q3P1/...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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What kind of checkmate pattern is this?

I played this game and was wondering, is this a checkmate pattern with a name?
Monica Heddneck's user avatar

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