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7 votes
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How much would chess change if Black always had the last move?

In a hypothetical minor variant, could White's first-move advantage be compensated for by Black's right to last move? Normally, White wins have White play N+1 plies to Black's N. How would the game ...
Therac's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Checkmate in ω² moves with finitely many pieces

The post Checkmate in ω moves? has inspired a lot of discussion and mathematical research into positions on an infinite chessboard where white can mate in a transfinite amount of moves. The current ...
Andreas Tsevas's user avatar
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Mate-in-N problems where N scales indefinitely with board size

Motivation - Long range mating patterns This question is inspired by my recent interest in infinite chess and the post on MathOverflow Checkmate in ω moves?. Since my chess endgame skills are quite ...
Andreas Tsevas's user avatar
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King and short rook checkmate

Suppose White has a king and a range-x rook and black has a bare king on a chessboard with dimensions y times y. What is the minimum value of x such that for all sufficiently large y, White, moving ...
Lucenaposition's user avatar
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On a toroidal board, which pieces are needed to checkmate?

I saw this question On an infinite board, which pieces are needed to checkmate? and was inspired by it. Many mating combinations won't suffice on a toroidal board. For example, queen vs king will be a ...
blademan9999's user avatar
28 votes
3 answers

On an infinite board, which pieces are needed to checkmate?

Most of the winnable endgames require cornering the opposing king to checkmate, often using zugzwang. However, if you have an infinite board (infinite in every direction), you won't be able to corner ...
Saat's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

How many moves of head start does white need for a guaranteed win?

As we all know, it is not known whether white can always win in chess with optimal play. If, however, white got to make two moves before black made their first move would they be able to win with ...
Milo Moses's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

Moving into check for a draw as black, why is it illegal? Comparison to Racing Kings

I am confused why you cannot move into a check when it can force your opponent to capture your king and expose theirs. In such a case why is there no extra move to result in a draw? In the "Racing ...
lbragile's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Would certain checkmates be possible if the king could move into check?

Similar to a previous question of mine, let's suppose there's a piece that moves like the king, but isn't restricted from moving into check. While a normal king and two knights can't force checkmate, ...
eyeballfrog's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to give two more checks here?

If the knight moves then is it possible to give check mate? I have already given one check. I was playing a game of "3 check". How can I get two more checks? Is it not possible? 3 check is a mode in ...
tah's user avatar
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1 vote
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How to checkmate in an altered version of chess

If you know the name of the chess variant I'm trying to describe, please leave it in an answer. My friend and I have conceived an (most likely already thought up, nevertheless very fun) idea of chess ...
PhilTheLawyer's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Could two kings force checkmate against a lone king?

I was looking at minimal combinations of material needed to force checkmate (K+R, Q+B, R+N+N, etc). You end up with a sort of threshold of how much material is needed, and that sort of assigns a ...
eyeballfrog's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Checkless Chess

Is there any material difference between chess the way it is now versus doing away with check and checkmate and defining victory as simply capturing the opponent's King, assuming an available King ...
I. J. Kennedy's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

What are the shogi equivalents of Fool's and Scholar's mate?

In western chess, the Fool's mate and Scholar's Mate are two well-known mates that take very few moves from the starting position. What would be the shogi equivalents to these, or, more generally, ...
hkBst's user avatar
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Four way chess -checkmate

My friends and I have been playing knightmare chess in a four player variant. We were playing with the stipulation that when a player is checkmated, after his turn he removes his king from the board ...
Jake B's user avatar
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