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3 votes
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Most delaying moves before checkmate

Consider a position where if was player A's turn, they could make a series of moves ("the mating sequence") with forced mate. However, it is player B's turn, and they can make a series of &...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Most mate options after 6 moves

Found this construction problem from '83 and liked it. I don't know the best solution (yet), and maybe you can top it anyway. Consider the (help) "game" 1.e4 a6 2.Bc4 a5 3.Qh5 a4. Now White ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Questions about legality of last move

Question for FIDE Arbiters and similar knowledgeable folk... FIDE Law Article 5.1.1 The game is won by the player who has checkmated his/her opponent’s king. This immediately ends the game, provided ...
Laska's user avatar
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1 answer

A puzzle where you must find the mate in 3 solution but avoid mate in 2 and mate in 1 solutions?

I want to see if a puzzle could exist where you must avoid finding mate in 1 or 2 but just find the mate in 3 solution. This is not subjective it is a hard math problem to make a move that forces mate ...
Mur's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Checkmate in ω² moves with finitely many pieces

The post Checkmate in ω moves? has inspired a lot of discussion and mathematical research into positions on an infinite chessboard where white can mate in a transfinite amount of moves. The current ...
Andreas Tsevas's user avatar
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Mate-in-N problems where N scales indefinitely with board size

Motivation - Long range mating patterns This question is inspired by my recent interest in infinite chess and the post on MathOverflow Checkmate in ω moves?. Since my chess endgame skills are quite ...
Andreas Tsevas's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Are there any hard mate-in-2 problems?

I'm interested to know if there are any particularly challenging mate-in-2 problems. Since the second move will be essentially forced, the problem essentially comes down to 1 move. Typically, the ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Longest sequence of unique legal moves for one player, always in check and ending in checkmate

I recently played a bullet game, in which I thought I was in checkmate, but then realized I had one legal move, this then repeated again and again 6 times until ultimately I was in checkmate. I share ...
Mur's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Minimal forced checkmate

A forced checkmate is a situation in which the player whose turn it is has only legal moves which put the other player in checkmate. I’m searching for the minimal forced checkmate (the smallest amount ...
Alfe's user avatar
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3 votes
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How can I mate the black king in 4 moves or less (helpmate)

In this helpmate puzzle, it is White to move.
David Meléndez's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Is there a position with the stupidest possible move?

I define a stupid move as a move that puts the opponent in zugzwang so that all their moves result in mate in one (weaker version: a loss); is chosen instead of a move that gives mate in one (weaker ...
Bob Jansen's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Shortest game to "elegant" mate

Define an "elegant" checkmate as one in which the king is not on the edge of the board the king and each of the 8 squares surrounding it are each attacked by exactly one, different opponent ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Puzzle: Forced game end in at most two halfmoves

Compose a position where It's White to move White can deliver checkmate or stalemate in 1 move Or if they make a different move, then Black can deliver checkmate or stalemate in one 1 move I needed ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the largest n such that discrete forced mate in one through mate in "n" exist?

This is admittedly a bit of an obscure question, so I apologize for the awkward wording of the question. To begin, assume you are playing as White, and that a "forcing move" is any move that ...
AKemats's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What is the longest possible forced checkmate sequence?

As title says. My question is about legal positions (positions which could be reached in actual games), but if there is a known solution with an illegal position to start the sequence, I'd be ...
Mauro Giliberti's user avatar

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