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Questions tagged [theory]

Theory commonly refers to the erudite study and the philosophy behind the moves in chess (like the opening or endgame theory), but this tag can also be used for questions about the theoretic study of the game itself.

1 vote
2 answers

In the Symmetrical Exchange Slav, why is 7. e3 played before 8. Qb3?

After: [fen ""] [Startply "12"] 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. cxd5 cxd5 4. Nf3 Nc6 5. Nc3 Nf6 6. Bf4 Bf5 How does 7. e3 e6 8. Qb3 benefit white as opposed to the immediate 7. Qb3?
chessplayer12345's user avatar
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Are all moves or types of moves (see details) in chess possible?

Inspired by this video The rarest move in chess, in which moves are categorized based on the format of their algebraic notation, so for example the rarest type of move (according to the author and ...
alices_and_bobs's user avatar
0 votes
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What makes alternative winning conditions good or bad in chess variants?

For chess variants that keep all or most of chess movement rules but with different winning conditions (can be in addition to the normal winning condition or replacing it), what properties/...
alices_and_bobs's user avatar
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1 answer

Relationship between having a selfmate and having a checkmate?

Usually in selfmate problems white has material advantage to be able to force black to checkmate white, so white likely has a conventionally better position or has a forced checkmate. But not always, ...
alices_and_bobs's user avatar
-1 votes
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Up to which number of moves has the result of chess been calculated?

Chess hasn't been completely solved yet, even though it is completely deterministic. However, can't we "solve" it up to a certain number of moves (e.g., up to 50 moves)? Then, considering ...
ARGYROU MINAS's user avatar
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Incorrect upper bound on number of possible chess positions (10^41)?

I've written a script implementing a basic idea to count the number of chess positions. I've not even accounted for legality of the positions or difference in light and dark square bishops. Despite ...
Yash Jain's user avatar
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DTM in a random N-piece position

Formulate how many plies are the DTMs if there are multiple checkmate variations (Depth to Mate ignoring 50-move rule) for a random N-piece chess position if any checkmate exists, (and also consider ...
nirates biadenroc's user avatar
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Why hasn't any new endgame theory been developed from the endgame tablebases?

With all 7-man endgame tablebases completed years ago, and the 8-mean endgame tablebases in the works now, why have we not seen new strategies outlined for, say, how to win with rook and two knights ...
prestokeys's user avatar
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What is this wide split in the Kmoch nimzo between stockfish's evaluation and master-level move choice?

In the Kmoch Nimzo Indian (sometimes called the f3 nimzo) [FEN ""] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. f3 d5 5. a3 Bxc3 6. bxc3 c5 (6... dxc4!? 7. e4) The move 6...c5 is the most popular ...
Awalrod's user avatar
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Which Chess Notation is Most Commonly Used in Grandmaster Classic Games?

I'm interested in understanding the preferred method of notation used in classic games played by grandmasters. Specifically, I'd like to know which version of writing the moves of a game is more ...
Iman Mohammadi's user avatar
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After 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3, what are the differences between 2...e6 and 2...Nf6?

Black plays 2...e6 8% of the time, 2...Nf6 77% of time. It seems that by playing 2...Nf6, Black keeps open the option of playing ...Bg4 and ...Bf5 (which would be the Slav if White plays c4 and Black ...
Fate's user avatar
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What's the easiest way to hold this 4 vs 3 pawns on same side rook endgame?

After having been under tremendous pressure due to a mistake in the middle game and with only 30s on the clock, I was very relieved to find a way to liquidate into this endgame, which I knew was a ...
Hauptideal's user avatar
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Can previous and continuing research on N-piece tablebases be used toward human theory of chess?

This follows another questions here: What is the status for EIGHT piece endgame tablebases? My answer there was appropriately removed as being question in reaction to that question, well in light of ...
dbdb's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Theory behind the Cow Opening

Recently IM Eric Rosen played the Cow Opening every game in Titled Tuesday, scoring 6.5/11 and increasing his rating. He streamed it and put it on YouTube. It is a Hippo style opening which can play ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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Why is Nf6 a blunder here?

With Nf6, I'm trying to bring my Knight out. If the Bishop takes it, I can take the Bishop with by g7 pawn. Why is this a blunder?
csmathhc's user avatar
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