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How much would chess change if Black always had the last move?

In a hypothetical minor variant, could White's first-move advantage be compensated for by Black's right to last move? Normally, White wins have White play N+1 plies to Black's N. How would the game ...
Therac's user avatar
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1 answer

Why did I lose -> I thought I can swap king and castle to avoid checkmate? [duplicate]

[FEN "6nN/Bp1k2pp/2n5/p7/Q4R1P/5pP1/P3qN2/4K2R w K - 0 1"] As you can see my king got checkmated through the enemy's queen and pawn. My question is, why is this a checkmate? I haven't moved ...
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5 votes
1 answer

Running out of time mid promotion to checkmate. Who wins?

In a casual blitz game I had with my friend, my last move was to promote a pawn, to ladder mate my opponent (there was already a rook on the 7th). I moved the pawn, but while I was reaching for the ...
Zock77's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Can a pawn move 2 spaces if doing so would cause en passant mate?

You cannot place your King in check, the en passant could be refused and because you are not placing your King in check directly it seems you can move your pawn 2 spaces. However, just like castling, ...
TheNewProcess's user avatar
22 votes
8 answers

Can a player in check win, by checkmating the opponent, while not getting themselves out of check?

Consider a player who is in check. Suppose they can make a move that would checkmate the opponent, but would not stop themselves from being in check. Would that be a legal move? For example, in the ...
user32279's user avatar
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Rules of Checkmate [duplicate]

I’ve attached a picture of the board configuration of an end game. Black wins this game by checkmate, however, I’m wondering how this is valid checkmate? To my understanding, checkmate occurs when a ...
vegeta1's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Could FIDE make a rule allowing for a visual announcement of check and checkmate?

Using verbal methods in announcing check and checkmate in tournaments is, for the arbiters, the players etc, unpleasant. But, on the other hand, prohibiting any means for an announcement is annoying ...
salah's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

How did I get a checkmate in this game?

This is a position from an endgame I played that I do not understand. How did I get a checkmate in this game? Is this a glitch? I ask this because I am pretty sure that Black's queen could take my ...
Zane's user avatar
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27 votes
6 answers

Why is this a checkmate?

I'm new to chess and I'm confused about a puzzle I was practicing. As you can see my black queen has put the white king in check, but I'm confused how this is possible if a rook is right next to my ...
Sandrine Lorin's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Is this an illegal chess move?

Can the White king move to g2 to checkmate? 8/8/8/8/4Q3/7k/5K2/8 w - - 0 1 1. Kg2
ImABigDummy's user avatar
5 votes
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Using a check-preventing piece to protect the checkmating piece

Let's say that a piece is protecting my king from check, i.e. blocked or pinned. For example, my rook is in the way of my opponent's queen in checking my king. Can I checkmate their king with another ...
Mathew Lionnet's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Mate with both hands: Result?

Constructed case: In a tournament (LoC Tournament Rules apply, no rapid, no blitz) White plays d7-d8Q by placing the new Queen on d8 with the right hand and removing the pawn d7 with the left. White ...
Christian H. Kuhn's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

Can a player resign after checkmating their opponent?

A friend of mine recently told me that once, he checkmated his opponent and then immediately resigned because he thought his win was unfair. This happened in a FIDE-rated tournament. Searching the ...
double-beep's user avatar
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Stalemate v/s Checkmate

I am unable to understand why Photo 1 a stalemate and Photo 2 a checkmate. PHOTO 1 PHOTO 2
Vaibhav's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Do the rules of chess state that a Bishop+King can be sufficient mating material?

A famous recent example of this ending happened last year between Carlsen and Firouzja. Here, Firouzja time ran out, so Carlsen won [Title "Alireza Firouzja-Magnus Carlsen, World Blitz Championship,...
stevec's user avatar
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