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Questions tagged [checkmate]

Questions relating to checkmating.

3 votes
1 answer

How can I mate the black king in 4 moves or less (helpmate)

In this helpmate puzzle, it is White to move.
David Meléndez's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Is there a position with the stupidest possible move?

I define a stupid move as a move that puts the opponent in zugzwang so that all their moves result in mate in one (weaker version: a loss); is chosen instead of a move that gives mate in one (weaker ...
Bob Jansen's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Number of checkmate positions

How many different checkmate positions are there? A Super-Computer problem. Not with any conditions or hypothetical situations, just simply the number of checkmates that can be arrived at in a ...
comic4relief's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Most different mate-in-N depending on black's move

The puzzle (this may have a known answer) is to construct a position such that: If Black makes move A, it's mate in 1 for white. If Black makes move B, it's mate in 2 for white. ... If Black makes ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Why does Stockfish miss mate in 5 with only two legal moves?

I'm interested to understand what is going on for Stockfish on Lichess here. There are only two legal moves for Black, and it gives the position mate-in-14 for white. When asked to play its ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

I don't understand why this scenario is checkmate. The black rook cannot move, as it's protecting black king. Can someone explain? See photo [duplicate]

So in this scenario the White Queen put the black king in check, which was then blocked by the black rook. So, how is it that the black queen moving to the position of F1 is considered checkmate? The ...
Braxton Wheeler's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Testing Mate Possibility Without Use of King

I would like to be able to convince myself of the possibility (or lack thereof) of mate using various piece combinations in which the attacker doesn't use their own king. I'd like to approach this by ...
Dave's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Why is this a Checkmate? Pawn can capture queen?

I am just learning Chess. Why is this a checkmate? It's Black's turn, and White's queen threatens Black's king, so check. But if I play gxf8, the check is gone. Why doesn't the game let me do it?
Maximilian Schwärzler's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Find a forced checkmate on dark squares only

In a recent Youtube video, the black player reaches the following position [White "NN"] [Black "Chess Simp"] [FEN "r2r4/ppp2p1k/2n4P/4p3/P3n3/B1P1P2P/P1qPK2P/R6R b - - 0 1&...
eyeballfrog's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Shortest game to "elegant" mate

Define an "elegant" checkmate as one in which the king is not on the edge of the board the king and each of the 8 squares surrounding it are each attacked by exactly one, different opponent ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Puzzle: Forced game end in at most two halfmoves

Compose a position where It's White to move White can deliver checkmate or stalemate in 1 move Or if they make a different move, then Black can deliver checkmate or stalemate in one 1 move I needed ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

How many moves to checkmate in the initial position with all Black pieces captured?

From the above position, black player lost (by mistakes) all of its pieces after his 15th move. How many more moves shall the black king have before it is checkmated by white if it is black' move?
TSLF's user avatar
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22 votes
8 answers

Can a player in check win, by checkmating the opponent, while not getting themselves out of check?

Consider a player who is in check. Suppose they can make a move that would checkmate the opponent, but would not stop themselves from being in check. Would that be a legal move? For example, in the ...
user32279's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

What is the name of this mating motif?

Anyone know the name of this motif? I have seen it several times, but never knew the name. Source Polgar 5334 problems. Can one classify this as a Legal's trap motif due to the famous Queen sacrifice(...
miniHessel's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How do you remember mates with names?

I am working on the Yusupov series. In the first book he introduces Anastasia and Arabian among others. What I am a little uncertain about is the following issues. How do you remember them? How do ...
miniHessel's user avatar

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