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Questions tagged [stockfish]

Stockfish is a strong open-source chess engine.

-3 votes
2 answers

Question about stockfish and horizon effect

I was wondering, if we give a lot of time to stockfish, and he goes maximum depth, will he upgrade the number of ply before dismissing a possibility, or will he wait and do nothing?
Imilis N's user avatar
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How can i see 'engine.options' values?

Using stockfish engine with python, i can use the bellow code to set an option: import chess.engine engine = chess.engine.SimpleEngine.popen_uci("/usr/bin/stockfish") # Set an option. ...
Guilherme França's user avatar
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Stockfish engine - how to modify skill level?

I've managed to get the Stockfish engine working using python-chess. I'd like to play with the skill levels of Stockfish, but need some info. My code below uses the 'skill level' option but after an ...
Crease's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use stockfish with c++?

I downloaded the stockfish.exe from the website and it runs fine. I just want to give it a position and to return an eval. The documentation about c++ in the stockfish website is gone. What can I do? ...
LentilesGR's user avatar
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Is this what I should have done or should do next?

When I analyze my game, is the analysis machine (stock fish lite on telling me what move or I should made instead of the one I just made, or is it telling me what move it thinks I should ...
Nathan's user avatar
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3 answers

xboard and stockfish not working well together

It looks like xboard GUI and stockfish engine are not close friends. I can pick stockfish as an engine in xboard, but stockfish will not respect the time limits (unlike if it is used by chessX). ...
Gyro Gearloose's user avatar
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bestmove from 'bestmove' in SF doesn't match bestmove from continuation when run from within another program

I've accidentally come across a very peculiar behavior whereby bestmove from 'bestmove' in SF16 doesn't match bestmove from continuation when run from within a Java program. E.g. when the following ...
tim bits's user avatar
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Is 'stop' not working with 'go perft' in SF a violation of UCI protocol?

According to the UCI protocol specs [ ], when a 'stop' command is issued, the UCI engine should "stop calculating as soon as possible". This is not ...
tim bits's user avatar
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Stockfish with python-chess on ubuntu

I want to use Stockfish with a simple chess python program I am writing on Ubuntu. It uses the python-chess library and is text based at the moment. There are various references to installation ...
Beasty's user avatar
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1 answer

In this position, why is Nb4 better than b4?

Here as white, I played b4: [FEN ""] [Startply "46"] 1. c4 g6 { A10 English Opening: Great Snake Variation } 2. Nc3 Bg7 3. g3 e6 4. Bg2 Ne7 5. Nf3 O-O 6. O-O c6 7. d3 d5 8. cxd5 ...
dsa's user avatar
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Why Stockfish 16 won't evaluate positions in check or checkmate?

When feeding a position in checkmate into SF16, not only it won't evaluate it as checkmated, it won't evaluate it at all: position fen 3q4/6b1/4k3/4r3/3p2Q1/B1N1R3/5R2/6K1 b eval info string NNUE ...
tim bits's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Stockfish 15 is stronger than Stockfish 16?

According to : Stockfish 16 is currently the most powerful chess engine in the world. The engine's latest version is significantly stronger, ...
tim bits's user avatar
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1 answer

Starting which version of Stockfish request for bestmove stopped having fixed depth?

I am working on migrating an existing Java Stockfish wrapper to make it independent of Stockfish version it is working with. Initially it was built based on Stockfish version 10. Now it is not working ...
tim bits's user avatar
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2 answers

Any functional Stockfish online API in 2024? (preferably with WebSocket support)

I'm on the hunt for an online Stockfish API where I can send either a FEN/PGN position or a list of moves and get back some info like evaluations / variants / best moves. I've been scouring ...
stealz's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is the next best move Nf3, instead of moving Bg5?

I have reached to this position starting from Queens' Gambit, and in this position Stockfish 14 is suggesting that the next best move is to bring my knight out instead of moving my dark squared bishop,...
commonSense's user avatar

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