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Mechanic's user avatar
Mechanic's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Ukraine
4 votes

Holes in my final render that don't show in my preview

4 votes

Is there a way to grab both keyframes and markers in blender?

3 votes

How can I export STL->OBJ without the coordinate system getting messed up?

3 votes

Reduce the brightness of a lit area

2 votes

How to remove these strange lines?

2 votes

Lighting a City

2 votes

Scripting: Converting Text object to Mesh object fails due to incorrect context (2.78)

2 votes

Game Asset Vertex Count/ Importing in Unity

2 votes

Can you change the bit rate or quality in general for .png formats while rendering?

2 votes

Smooth option in Blender 2.8 mesh context menu missing for edges and faces

2 votes

how to make star-shaped circle into a regular circle plane

2 votes

Text information about parameters in the picture (render result)

2 votes

Problem with applying the Subdivision modifier

1 vote

face is flickering in blender and invisible in unity and i cant add a texture

1 vote

Anyone knows the correct way of parenting the mesh to the rig?

1 vote

Exporting OBJ missing map_Kd

1 vote

Why is my foot mesh moving out of place when rigging?

1 vote

BI: is background (CLI) rendering faster?

1 vote

How do I stop wagon wheel effect when a wheel spins at low speed in blender

1 vote

How to link two different physics objects together?

1 vote

Maximizing Render Field of View in Interior Scene

1 vote

Different view from viewport than the render

1 vote

How do I restore the pivot point to the original pivot location?

1 vote

UV map is not in the plate

1 vote

How to rotate half of a plane around the split edge after cutting it in half using loop cut

1 vote

Adding texture to the model, getting a pink model

1 vote

Check if the whole plane is being on a orthographic camera render (or get a proportion of the rendered plane)

1 vote

Apply Shape Key to Armature

1 vote

Objects material strange behavior when rendered

1 vote

Bone constraint to 2 other bones