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Questions tagged [fitness]

Use this tag for questions related to the use of cycling to maintain or improve physical fitness. For questions about improving cycling ability on its own, use the [training] tag.

12 votes
4 answers

Is there a maximum amount of time I should spend on an exercise bike?

I recently picked up an exercise bike of eBay for a good price. I'm trying to get more into mountain biking but time, weather and family life often mean that I might only get out on the bike a 2-3 ...
GrandMasterFlush's user avatar
10 votes
12 answers

Advice for beginning cyclist

I am interested in getting into cycling for fitness, i.e. I want this to be my regular form of intense exercise. I am 20 years old and in decent shape. For context of where I’m at with cycling ability ...
Ari Jacob's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Commuting two days a week and resistance training the rest of the week

I have been working out at the gym five days a week for some time now (Upper, Lower, Push, Pull, Legs) and I have started to commute (40km round trip) twice a week to work. I do some high intensity ...
Aaron Kilpatrick's user avatar