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Questions tagged [copyright]

Copyright issues: publication agreements, copyright transfer upon publication, legal status of work-for-hire in academia, etc.

151 votes
12 answers

Our teacher is encouraging us to use cracked software

I'm taking a course named Numerical and Computational Methods Based on Mathematica (Or in Chinese: "基于Mathematica的数值计算方法"), but Wolfram Mathematica is a bit expensive for me to afford. On the first ...
nalzok's user avatar
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106 votes
9 answers

How to respond to a company that wants specific details on implementation of my PhD research?

A company approached me for an interview to explain my work, which has been published as part of my PhD. As I understand from their email, they want to understand my work so that they can use it. ...
L222's user avatar
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88 votes
6 answers

Does publishing a paper on arXiv prevent me from submitting it to a non-open access journal?

If I publish a pre-print paper on arXiv, how can I guarantee exclusive rights to the publisher afterwards? Am I unable to publish on non-open access journals after I publish a pre-print on arXiv ?
Stefano Borini's user avatar
83 votes
5 answers

Someone I don't know contributed to my program on GitHub. Can I still present that program as my Bachelor thesis?

I am a third-year computer engineering student at a university in Croatia. In 2020, my Computer Architecture professor asked me to make an assembler and an emulator for PicoBlaze that would run in any ...
FlatAssembler's user avatar
79 votes
9 answers

Can I use images showing up in Google search for my presentation slides without violating any copyright?

I am teaching a freshman science course for the first time and I am doing also outreach activities in high schools. To be able to attract the young generation to science one has to connect the ...
New Science Faculty's user avatar
75 votes
4 answers

I'd like to use a figure from a paper; what's the best way to do this?

So, I've seen a really nice figure in a paper; what's the best way to 'get a copy'? Will it be on the publisher's website? Do I need to draw my own version? Email the author? And, finally, how does ...
User 17670's user avatar
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71 votes
6 answers

A student posted my lab materials as a "project" on Instructables, and hid its origin as a lab assignment. How should I address this?

TLDR: A student posted my lab assignment as a “project” on and Instructables. His posts hide its origin as a lab assignment, in which a lot of the materials (texts, circuit diagram and ...
ff524's user avatar
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61 votes
9 answers

Academic code copied by library author

The papers I write contain all the source code required to reproduce results. I have written a series of papers that build on each other over the years. My intention has been to release an open-source ...
Chip's user avatar
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58 votes
14 answers

Lab colleague uses cracked software. Should I report it?

I've just (accidentally) found that one of our colleagues in the lab (who is a graduate student) uses a cracked piece of software on his personal laptop (We were talking near his station and a pop up ...
A.Loc's user avatar
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53 votes
3 answers

Why does reserve the right to sell, modify, and "exploit" my papers if I post them there?

In's terms of service, it says By making available any Member Content on or through the Site or Services, you hereby grant to a worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, non-...
David Ketcheson's user avatar
47 votes
4 answers

Copyright Status of a Math Text

If this is not the correct forum for this question, or too specific, feel free to close it. I'm more or less from MSE, and this seemed like the place to ask. There's this well-known math text called "...
A. Thomas Yerger's user avatar
47 votes
8 answers

Can I publish the reviews I write?

This is a follow-up question to Open versus Blind reviewing process, and is somehow related to What happens to the reviews that people write for journal articles after they're sent back to the ...
user avatar
46 votes
8 answers

Why don't academics bypass restrictions on the distribution of their papers the same way as an institutional open access policy seems to do?

I've learned that academics can ensure that their papers can be freely distributed, even when those papers are published at places that require transferring copyright, simply by granting a ...
O. R. Mapper's user avatar
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45 votes
4 answers

Which ACM copyright license to use?

ACM now offers authors of published papers a choice of two copyright licenses: the "traditional" ACM Copyright Transfer Agreement or the ACM Publishing License. How should I choose between these two ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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43 votes
4 answers

Why do universities tolerate uploading papers on their websites?

Lots of professors provide their full papers published by scholarly journals on their personal website (in the university official domain). PDF files of their final papers published by different ...
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