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How to isolate an outward-facing server VM from an internal virtual machine cluster?

Set up a router VM, then create firewall rules that allow packets to Internet but not to your 'main' LAN subnet. But I'm guessing the Xfinity router does not support "static route" ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
-2 votes

We can't verify who created this file

This problem appeared on my machine when I just tried to launch apps located on our local server. I finally fixed it with a weird two-step fix, where I just checked a box and later unchecked it. Maybe ...
usuallylogical's user avatar
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fail2ban iptables rule has no effect for SoftEther VPN ... unless sshd rule is place

Found the problem, the clue was in the f2b rules inserted at the top of the INPUT chain: # iptables -L -n -v Chain INPUT (policy DROP 195 packets, 20594 bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in ...
autobottodoggo's user avatar
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Why can't I change my date/time?

i had the same issue and even had disabled group policies locall all together for the user and machine - same thing then i ran timedate.cpl as admin and voila i was able to change it for some reason ...
WITOLD's user avatar
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Trying to perform MiTM on an IoT device that cannot set gateway or proxy

So the routers seems to not be masquerading reponse IP address and this may be what's making victim to RST the connection. Your router doesn't have the opportunity to do so, because the attacker VM ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
1 vote

Should cos-101-17162-463-55 contain a newer ssh version to fix CVE-2024-6387?

This is indeed very confusing. My head spins reading this blog post from Qualys, but if you are using cos-101-17162-463-55 you should be fine. My assumption is that if cos-101-17162-463-55 is fully ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
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You can also use the built-in tool to grant the permission: icacls.exe C:\AnyDir /grant *S-1-15-2-2:(OI)(CI)RX where (OI)(CI) stands for inheritance (only for directories), and RX stands for Read and ...
AntonK's user avatar
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4 votes

How to determine if I need to patch for recent SSH exploit on Ubuntu 20.04?

I'm confused about what I need to update to be secure. You should update to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS then of course patch OpenSSH to 9.8p1. A critical vulnerability in sshd(8) was present in Portable ...
Ramhound's user avatar
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Will this OpenSSH config provide the best security

Some progress: After some testing, I have had to: Remove LoginGraceTime & MaxStartups directives from within Match blocks, as sshd.exe complains that these are not allowed within a Match block. ...
M_D's user avatar
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