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Executable should automatically start with realtime priority on Windows

Create a batch file next to the executable, and put this inside it: @start /realtime your-program.exe And then always invoke the executable using that batch file. For reference: https://learn....
k314159's user avatar
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0 votes

Recovered Files from Deleted Partition Are Empty, How Can I Fix This?

Probably not. First of all, partition deletion usually allows for 100% recovery (even in-place by editing partition tables). So fact you get an abnormal result makes me wonder if 'partition deletion' ...
Joep van Steen's user avatar
0 votes

How to execute an Extended SMART self-test on a hard drive in Windows?

FWIW, this does not answer your question directly, however: To test such a drive it may be a better idea to run a scan you can control and that allows you to see if there are issues with the drive (...
Joep van Steen's user avatar
2 votes

Why screenshots are being saved in moved folder?

When you moved the pictures folder, you specified that your pictures folder is the on the D drive. Screenshots save to your pictures folder, so it is logical that it is saved in the D drive. To solve ...
LPChip's user avatar
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Set PSModulePath Environment Variable with PowerShell in Windows 10

The environment settings are available in control panel click start Type "environment" Select either "Edit system environment variables" or "Edit environment variables for ...
theking2's user avatar
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Keyboard Input Not Working on Start Menu Windows 11

Try start "Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service". How to Start the "Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service": Press Windows + R to open the Run dialog box. Type ...
1 Ch's user avatar
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1 vote

How to map custom Logitech keyboard keys on Windows?

The easiest way that involves no scripting, regEditing or copy/pasting is using Microsoft's free powertoys It has a lot more useful tools, but the keyboard manager lets you easily remap a key to ...
Hacky's user avatar
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How can I concatenate videos that don't always have audio using ffmpeg?

add silence #!/bin/bash cd /tmp if [ ! -f sample0.mp4 ]; then #create test files for i in 0 2; do ffmpeg -lavfi "testsrc2,sine=440" -t 2 "sample${i}.mp4" -v 16 ...
Баяр Гончикжапов's user avatar
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Google Chrome Missing from Volume Mixer

It is possible in Chrome to mute a site now (not sure how new this is as of 7/2024) - I found someone else using my laptop had done this, but I was originally trying to test with that site (
LightCC's user avatar
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Force installation of Pro, Enterprise or other editions of Windows from 24H2 onwards

Using a Windows Install automation tool such as Ventoy does the trick, and allows you to choose whatever edition you wish to install by means of specifying an appropiate generic license key. ...
Juan Manuel López Manzano's user avatar
0 votes

How to set HDD spindown to 10 seconds when not in use?

Victoria for Windows allows you to do this. Select drive > Click Service menu > Acoustic and Power. From there you can use Idle Timer slider.
Joep van Steen's user avatar
0 votes

Force DISM to unmount/delete a mounted Windows WIM

Do this (replace c:\winmount with your mount point): dism /Unmount-Wim /Mountdir:C:\winmount /discard If you try /commit instead of /discard, often this will fail. This works even if dism /Get-...
Gaz Cobain's user avatar
0 votes

Acer Nitro AP18E8M battery stops charging at 67 % under Windows 11

There is a setting in many laptops, to stop the battery from charging over a specific precent, so these last precentage will have longer lifespan, and the battery will hold at medium-performace for a ...
Netan's user avatar
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How to quickly record the video of only one window in Windows?

The latest version of Microsoft's Snipping Tool can do video recording and you can select the region to record. You just toggle onto video mode, hit 'New', then it lets you select the region and you ...
ThioJoe's user avatar
  • 81
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How to schedule a task that runs once every day only if the user has logged in

I believe the settings highlighted in these two screenshots will do what you want, with the third setting optional depending on what you want. General Tab > "Run only when user is logged on&...
ThioJoe's user avatar
  • 81
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Connect external device as a keyboard to fresh instance of Windows 11

Without the receiver you're out of luck. I believe these have the option to connect using Bluetooth, but Bluetooth likely only works inside an already-installed OS with the correct drivers installed. ...
music2myear's user avatar
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How to quickly record the video of only one window in Windows?

Most 3rd party screenshot utilities that I am aware of do this easily. Personally, I have used GetShareX to do this and it worked very well. With GetShareX you can record ad-hoc screen regions by ...
music2myear's user avatar
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The Downloads folder is not updated

First thing to do is figure out if it is an issue with Windows or with Chrome. Right click a test file, Save as..., and choose a location other than Downloads. If it appears immediately, then the ...
PFitz's user avatar
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2 votes

Windows 11 - how to quickly start something from desktop without minimizing opened windows?

Solution 1: Minimize, launch, restore. This isn't minimizing one at a time - it minimizes everything on the desktop Type Windows+M to minimize everything on the desktop Launch your application Type ...
cup's user avatar
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You can also use the built-in tool to grant the permission: icacls.exe C:\AnyDir /grant *S-1-15-2-2:(OI)(CI)RX where (OI)(CI) stands for inheritance (only for directories), and RX stands for Read and ...
AntonK's user avatar
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1 vote

Synronize caps-lock between OSX and Windows via RDC client

Try shift capslock, I figured it out because I reprogrammed my reg caps lock to right click but whenever I had to use caps lock shift caps also worked. Then I saw some RDP issues for Mac and tried ...
Mertyman's user avatar
0 votes

Is it possible (or is there any tool) to control mouse scroll speed with modifier keys in Windows?

Many mice and likely other pointing devices, even affordable models, have physical buttons to quickly change their sensitivity, which controls how fast and far the cursor moves per physical movement. ...
Kyle Thomas's user avatar
0 votes

Why does windows registry of fonts indicate they are all true type?

Because Open Type fonts are True Type fonts, just an extension of the old format. There's no strict border between the two, Open Type practically means a True Type package that uses at least some of ...
Gábor's user avatar
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Changing password for Veracrypt container in Windows Xp

It is possible that Veracrypt v. 1.25.9, the last version for XP, cannot even open a Veracrypt container made with a later version. The latest versions intentionally have removed compatibility with ...
DrMoishe Pippik's user avatar
0 votes

Is there a way to install Microsoft Store-exclusive apps without Store?

Yes. Methods Multiple methods exist: WinGet WinGet is Windows 10 and 11's new Microsoft-official and default package manager for the OS. WinGet is a CLI tool, so the user can install packages like: ...
RokeJulianLockhart's user avatar
0 votes

Why are there multiple Console Window Host open in the background?

An easy way to tell is to right click on the NAME field at the top of the screen and choose to display the Command Line. This will show the arguments for the running application, similar to what ...
RickkeeC's user avatar
0 votes

What can be used to 'gzip' in Windows?

As mentioned in @djvg's answer, Windows includes tar since 2017. But those that are unwilling to install anything and wish to use gzip or gunzip to compress or decompress single files can create a ...
pinjaliina's user avatar
0 votes

In Excel and Word, is it possible to open the browse window immediately when opening a file?

Could it be that you are doing something wrong, as you suggested? The enter link description here approach is working for me. However, that setting only affects the Open icon added to the Quick Access ...
Lawrence's user avatar
0 votes

Deleted my EFI & MSR partitions by error, how to rebuild it?

Linux tools are not needed to fix Windows and are inefficient to use to do so: WinPE/WinRE: Resolve boot issues via BootRec/BcdBoot, partition issues via DiskPart/mbr2gpt Per OP's comment under ...
JW0914's user avatar
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Remove Properties and Personal Information - Batch mode or app

An easy way to remove properties and personal information from multiple files in multiple formats across multiple folders in one go is to use a dedicated batch multi-format metadata scrubber. A ...
solpubs's user avatar
-1 votes

Find a string in the whole RAM

If this is windows, you can download windbg as noted above and attach to the process you want to search. But, if you have a 64-bit process s -u 0 L? 7fffffff`ffffffff "find my text" will ...
NemoX's user avatar
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3 votes

Deleted my EFI & MSR partitions by error, how to rebuild it?

If you want to restore your data, then start by trying to restore the data partitions, not by taking a detour somewhere else. Recovering the EFI partitions will not help you with recovering data ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
1 vote

Why do Windows 10 / Windows 11 copied/pasted shortcuts not appear, but newly created ones do?

The first thing to understand (which you already noticed) is that the Start Menu will try to avoid showing two entries to the same program. And it seems that behind the scenes, many automatically ...
ThioJoe's user avatar
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-3 votes

Charging laptop with a mobile phone USB-C cable: "The PC is not charging. Use the recommended charging cable and cord ..."

You need to have a faster charger with at least 5V 3.0A output to have the chance to load at all. It takes much longer then, but it works. If I plug it in at low energy, the battery is said to last 8 ...
questionto42's user avatar
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How to mimic Windows Security UI rights via Powershell

Icacls seems to be the problem. I get the same weird behaviour when I use icacls, but I have no issues when I use the set-acl command. Here is the script using set-acl that worked for me: $files = ls -...
Shifty's user avatar
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Automatically run a script or a program on wake from standby in Windows 7

This is actually great question and here is a solution: Open Task Scheduler Create New Task Go to "Triggers" and click "New" In the "Begin the task:" choose "On an ...
Noob's user avatar
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-1 votes

When the storage device is formatted with NTFS, the file tunneling system does not work

As others have said in their answers, file system tunneling will be disabled if the 8.3 filename is disabled. There is no official information, but Neal Christiansen (a Microsoft developer) announced ...
BugMeNot114514's user avatar
2 votes

How to recovery previous data after reinstalling windows 11?

Assuming the laptops storage device is a SSD and the tech re-formatted it in the process the data was most likely 'trimmed'. TRIM commands result in the drive un-mapping of LBA addresses by wiping the ...
Joep van Steen's user avatar
0 votes

Windows 10 is stuck in safe mode and I'm unable to log in

What ended up solving my issue was: Create installation media for Windows 10 on a USB drive. Plug that USB drive in and boot the pc. Press the button to enter the boot menu. In the boot menu, ...
CyanMatter's user avatar
0 votes

How to open multiple local HTML files in Google Chrome at once?

To extend the answer from Dan Hogan, you can also write them all in one line: start chrome.exe file-path-here another-file-here Or if you prefere Firefox: ...
rzickler's user avatar
1 vote

Where is the Official list of Windows Environment Variables?

Although potentially not as comprehensive as might be desired, this is official documentation of a significant amount of default Windows environment variables that contain paths: Variables that are ...
RokeJulianLockhart's user avatar
0 votes

How to open a Windows store app from command line?

I got a little frustrated with how difficult this was so I wrote my own script/app to launch apps from the app store in command line. It is super simple with a .\launch.ps1 -list and .\launch.ps1 <...
PressingOnAlways's user avatar
1 vote

Formatting numbers in .bat files

I was writing a baseA2baseB number converter, when I had the same desire for thousands separators. I saw Tetsuya Yamamoto's answer here before writing my own script. I wrote a script using a simple ...
Big Fox's user avatar
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"Super" Hidden Folder?

Most likely you used robocopy to back up your old hard disk onto what is now your C:\ drive. For example robocopy D:\ "E:\Old HDD" /e The documentation linked above says: If any data is ...
Hugh W's user avatar
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2 votes

Terminal Powershell differences

Command prompt is indeed different to PowerShell. dir is an internal command of Command Prompt and Powershell does not have this function. Powershell has the cmdlet: get-childitem, which also gets all ...
LPChip's user avatar
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format EFI, Recovery partitions windows 10 in clean install?

Removing all partitions and reinstalling using either manufacturer provided, or downloaded Microsoft media should work fine. The recovery partition won't be recreated by the Microsoft media, and ...
NickSlash's user avatar
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Windows 10 won't boot, primary partition has become RAW

Eventually, I had to replace the SSD as suggested in the comments, because it appeared to be dead.
Uzair A.'s user avatar
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How to pass commands to a telnet window with a batch script?

import telnetlib import time import argparse # Set up argument parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Automate Telnet commands") parser.add_argument("host", help=&...
Niels van Dijk's user avatar
0 votes

What is "Authentication failed" status on network adapter

It happens when 802.1x is enabled on the switch port you are connecting your system but the laptop is not configured to authenticate. You have to check few things. What method is your .1x configured ...
Ganeshan Sutherson's user avatar
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Move mouse USB to hard drive/RAM

Your question confuses a hardware connection (USB) with a software application (mouse drivers) and is impossibly to accomplish. On the other hand, check to see if your laptop supports Bluetooth™ ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
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