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2 votes

What is the easiest way to make a folder accessible only by a user

Warning: Making changes to security settings can cause you to loose access. It can be really hard to restore them. Proceed at your own risk. Folder security rights propagate from parent folders down ...
LPChip's user avatar
  • 62.4k
1 vote

OneDrive downloaded files with wrong permissions

OneDrive is not a file synchronization tool. You appear to be expecting OneDrive to sync files, but it doesn't, and this misunderstanding is the core of the problem. The OneDrive client (or the ...
music2myear's user avatar
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NTFS Permissions - Folder Traversal

In Windows terminology, what you're looking for is not traversal but a form of read permission. Traversal is the ability to access SubFolderA by its exact path (which your users can already do); ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
0 votes

Mounting ext4 drive with specified user permission

When you mount the first time an ext4 empty partition, only root can write to the root of this partition. But, if at the first time you mount the partition you execute: # chown -R your_user:your_group ...
Mariano Acciardi's user avatar
0 votes

Why does Minecraft require an elevated command prompt to run despite admin permissions already being granted?

For anyone following up, my son worked on this a bit. He determined that neither of our Admin accounts were being used to run Minecraft. Therefore having the Administrators group with Full permissions ...
Nathon's user avatar
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You can also use the built-in tool to grant the permission: icacls.exe C:\AnyDir /grant *S-1-15-2-2:(OI)(CI)RX where (OI)(CI) stands for inheritance (only for directories), and RX stands for Read and ...
AntonK's user avatar
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Why does Minecraft require an elevated command prompt to run despite admin permissions already being granted?

You have given the administrators rights to the Minecraft folder, but not the logged in user. If you alter the permissions for the folder, and give the logged in user itself read/write access to this ...
LPChip's user avatar
  • 62.4k
0 votes

Why does Minecraft require an elevated command prompt to run despite admin permissions already being granted?

Likely, there is a file in another location that is being changed, perhaps in the root C:\ folder, which is verboten to non-admin changes (and should be kept that way). Try running Minecraft as admin, ...
DrMoishe Pippik's user avatar
0 votes

Netatalk Permissions Issues

I was able to read/write data from afp volume on exfat with netatalk using the following config: [Global] log file = /var/log/afpd.log log level = default:info spotlight = yes uam list = ...
applewiskey's user avatar
0 votes

Dir command not working on one UNC Share

I went with using a symbolic link since it persisted between users of the server. So for example on C:\ I did mklink /D shared_content_directory \\contoso\shares\content_directory This way when I ...
Pat's user avatar
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Robocopy will not copy files involving any external drives

You can't use backslash at the end of source or destination for example "g:\" instead use "g:", robocopy doesn't support backslash at end of path. I also think it is not a good ...
Ricardo Bohner's user avatar
1 vote

Unable to set permissions for power operations under Debian Bookworm

There are three different concepts mixed here. First of all, you added the wrong commands: systemctl reboot is not /sbin/reboot! Despite the similarity, it is a separate /bin/systemctl program that ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar

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