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How can I save a Reddit page for offline viewing in HTML format AFTER the user has manually interacted with the page that has a huge comment section?

Well, any example is fine. They are using your typical "lazy loader".So, you have to load it in order to save it.Scroll and load, until you have no more to load. Don't scroll back up. Then, ...
JayCravens's user avatar
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In Google Chrome Browser, how can I set the theme for one system to be different from another system?

Turn off sync for the theme - in Settings / Sync / Manage what you sync:
Oleg Mihailik's user avatar
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How can I quickly open a mobile view of a page in a desktop browser?

Online tool, limited to 5 requests every 5 minutes, lists popular cell phone models. Online tool, seems to work well, lists popular cell phone models. https://...
David Spector's user avatar
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Is there a common browser shortcut for jumping to a website’s search bar?

Vimium C I have the same issue, the solution is to use the extension [Vimium C] it allows you to do everything by keyboard. You press "f," it shows a letter (or two) in front of every field ...
Mick Maeva's user avatar
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Is it possible to block images from a specific URL using the “hosts” file?

I know this is quite late to the game but Proxomitron, though no longer supported, author passed away, rewrites html on the fly to eliminate ads and unwanted content. You can even replace code with ...
coachklc's user avatar
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How to confirm host IP address in a browser?

nslookup is looking up a nameserver. Ping is resolving as per your hosts file, and firing off a ICMP packet. Both of these are the 'wrong' tools. Its worth a closer look at your nslookup output. In my ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
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How can I check my bookmarks in Chrome for broken links?

You can do this using the Bookmarks Checker and Bookmarks clean up Chrome extensions. They can check all your bookmarks and identify the ones that seem broken. Bookmarks Checker It scans your ...
hb20007's user avatar
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How to configure proxy settings on Linux XFCE?

Hi gays: if you use nekoray to connection proxy in xfce desktop must: write in file /etc/environment no_proxy=localhost,,*.local NO_PROXY=localhost,,*.local all_proxy=socks://...
Meiad Noushadi's user avatar
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How do websites block selecting text and how do I unblock that?

I found a different way to disable selecting with CSS: pointer-events: none; Disabling that property with the developer tools on the node I wanted to copy text from made it work.
Enrique García Cota's user avatar
2 votes

How to get rid of the back and forward button in firefox 126.0?

You may need to enable user stylesheets before your userChrome.css is taken into effect. In about:config, set toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets to true. #back-button and #forward-...
MC10's user avatar
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