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Force OSX text field to accept copy-paste I made a script that uses pyautogui to simulate the pasting. You can install the tool using pipx install dont-fuck-with-paste and use software like ...
Teddy C's user avatar
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Decrypt Google Chrome passwords

On Windows, it uses DPAPI from WIN32 API and AES GCM 256 to decrypt the master key and the password A typical chrome path is C:/Users/%username%/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data Then the Local ...
yufmial google's user avatar
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FFMPEG mp3 Encryption

Encrypting an MP3 file directly using FFmpeg might not work as expected because FFmpeg's encryption options are typically used for formats and containers that support encryption, such as MP4. The MP3 ...
Ali lotfi's user avatar
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Passing luks passphrase to unlock encrypted rootfs with script instead of passing from the terminal

If you are working in a Bash shell, you can use a Bash here-string, with the <<< operator, as follows: cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda1 map_name <<< 'your_passphrase'
Gustav Streicher's user avatar
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Samsung SSD: Hardware encryption and speed

Modern SSDs are so called "SEDs" or "self encrypting drives". On modern SSDs (and other SEDs) encryption is simply always on. The drive encrypts the data whether you want it or not....
Joep van Steen's user avatar
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Windows 11 Device Encryption not working after dual boot

The error message "PCR7 binding is not supported, Un-Allowed DMA capable bus/debive(s) detected, WinRE is not configured." Is not very useful as it doesn't really point at the real culprit ...
Kvothe's user avatar
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Issues Configuring Swap and Moving /home to a New Encrypted Disk on Ubuntu 24.04

I have found the hack that helps me and fix my problem Link to same problem To make /etc/crypttab available as /cryptroot/crypttab in initramfs, create the following script in the /etc/initramfs-tools/...
LocalUser's user avatar
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Managing LUKS encrypted swap files/volumes. Manual mounting on remote dedicated servers, boot behavior, and fstab settings

You could configure the server to boot without swap, and have the same script that you'll use to mount your encrypted volume to activate an encrypted swap area too.
telcoM's user avatar
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