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6 votes

OBS Studio—'Failed to open NVENC codec: Function not implemented'

I just had the same issue on Win 7 with my GTX 750 TI. Turns out my GPU doesn't suport NVENC. Using software encoder (x264) worked just fine.
user1020800's user avatar
4 votes

OBS studio won't record audio only

To record only audio in OBS Studio, go to File -> Settings -> Output, make sure Advanced mode is selected. Open Recording tab and choose Custom Output (FFmpeg) in dropdown. Choose e.g. mp3 as ...
Destroy666's user avatar
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3 votes

Can't record the screen with OBS Studio

TLDR; Settings > Graphics > Browse OBS > Options > Power Saving Go to your Windows Settings (gear icon in the start menu) Search for Graphics Settings Select Desktop or Classic App ...
Chris's user avatar
  • 46
2 votes

Repeat audio on seperate playback device after set delay

I ended up using the following solution: It turns out that the popular media player VLC has a built in functionality for this. I found the answer here:
Scherling's user avatar
  • 131
2 votes

Black screen in OBS Studio screencast on Linux

The workaround that I have found is in disabling Wayland. Open /etc/gdm/custom.conf and uncomment line WaylandEnable=false After the computer restart everything works fine.
Vladimir Nechaev's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a away to stream pre-recorded videos to Twitch/YouTube without re-encoding them?

Ok apparently you can do it with FFmpeg like this ffmpeg -re -i my_video.mp4 -c copy -f flv rtmp://{key_here} Note: The live-fra in the URL above stands for the Twitch server ...
user22341's user avatar
2 votes

Turning on 'Experimental Web Platform Features' in OBS Browser

I figured it out finally: I had to add the following to the command line arguments: --enable-experimental-web-platform-features I also need webgl support, so the final shortcut looks like this for ...
molbal's user avatar
  • 141
2 votes

Safekill OBS with a batch script

If you would actually just go ahead and read the available help text for taskkill by either running taskkill /? or looking for the online documentation, you would see what each switch does and also ...
Seth's user avatar
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Do screen recording software make the game laggy?

Theoretically yes. If your game is running as fast as the computer can run it, then some time slices must be given up to the recorder. It may be intercepting the images after they left the CPU, ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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1 vote

No audio being recorded from OBS Studio

Seeing the error "Max audio buffering reached!" at the buttom - Have you changed the fps-recording? Can you try to set it to 30fps, for example? ( Either at the camera settigns or the entire ...
Netan's user avatar
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How to have multiple webcams of the same kind display as different names in applications?

I have a workaround involving changing the global friendly name of a USB device instance. Plug in USB device. On Device Manger, right-click webcam -> properties -> details. Select "Device ...
plu's user avatar
  • 491
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How to have multiple webcams of the same kind display as different names in applications?

In OBS you add the web cam as a source. At that point, you can name the source. You will not be able to tell which webcam is which when selecting it unfortunately. In this particular instance, I can'...
Eoin's user avatar
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Record separate audio inputs as separate tracks in OBS Studio

This is perfectly possible in OBS. First select the audio mixer, if you don't have it open you'll need to open it. Then click on the cog "advanced audio settings" On number 1 make sure ...
Eoin's user avatar
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Get Back Lost Audio

Not if the gate was closed. Any sound that doesn't pass the gate doesn't reach the recording. Unless you've time for a sound check, gates etc are best dealt with after the fact.
Tetsujin's user avatar
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Recorded videos colours are really bright. But only on some software

This was caused by a setting in Windows 10. There's an option to display HD for certain games which was on and I had to switch it off. To get to the setting right click your desktop and click on "...
Eoin's user avatar
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🌿 in TextArea of OBS

I searching for 🌿 without success. All of the available characters are listed in DejaVuSans.pdf 🌿 (Emoji for Herb) is not listed. There is a plug-in that supports Emoji: Supported Bit Versions 32-...
DavidPostill's user avatar
  • 158k
1 vote

Clone one/several windows inside another window for streaming (GNOME)

Suggestion #1: Use a VM. The potential problems you mention: "This means reinstalling everything": Not really. You can clone your installation with Clonezilla, e.g. It "is probably ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
1 vote

Google Chrome stops updating videochat when not on front

On the address bar, type: chrome://flags Search for "Throttle Javascript timers in background". Disable it. Search for "Calculate window occlusion on Windows". Disable it. Restart ...
Reddy Lutonadio's user avatar
1 vote

How to record specific window on OBS

In the OBS add sources menu, you can select to add a "Window Capture" or "Game Capture". Each of them serve the same relative purpose but Game Capture has some optimizations within ...
Garret Stand's user avatar
1 vote

How to setup ffmpeg for the same record method which is used in OBS studio "replay buffer" feature (recording of last X seconds continuously)?

You can split the recording to segments and use a playlist file to combine them later. See Step 1: ffmpeg -i input force_key_frames expr:gte(t,n_forced*4) -c:...
Coolcomixs's user avatar
1 vote

How to integrate non-portable apps into the PortableApps Platform?

I modified instructions from How-To Geek and solved the issue by creating an .exe shortcut in the program's root folder. Download and save your application to X\PortableApps\ProgramName Open a text ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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Can't record the screen with OBS Studio

The workaround I've used was to install the TinyTake app and was able to record the screen in a fast and easy way.
Tiago Peres's user avatar
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How can I capture a portion of the screen during a screen capture

According to this thread on how to record only a portion of a screen, you can: Right click on the Display Source and select Filters Select Add Filter + and select Crop/Pad You can choose relative ...
KyleMit's user avatar
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How can I make OBS' virtual cameras available to BlueJeans?

I know the question is old, but it's still an issue. When you install the VirtualCam plugin, the BlueJeans client doesn't recognize it. It does however work with Firefox. When you join a BlueJeans ...
kraligor's user avatar
  • 113
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Repeat audio on seperate playback device after set delay

OBS's own interface allows you to add up to 20 seconds of delay to your audio interface, under "Advanced Audio Properties", found under the config wheel of "Mixer", right at the main screen. However,...
Vinícius M's user avatar
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How to use "Open Broadcaster Software" or HandBrake to minimize file size?

I haven't used OBS in some time but one thing I can give you some help with is Handbrake. In handbrake when you open a video file you're presented with a "Summary" of the video. On this tab it will ...
ATN's user avatar
  • 38
1 vote

Recording with high bitrates to a HDD instead of SSD leads to severe lags

Thanks to Suchiman for this hint. The write-cache is disabled by default for external disks on Windows. Enabling it did fix the issue. It is still not the best solution, as OBS/ffmpeg should have ...
vek's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote

Recording with high bitrates to a HDD instead of SSD leads to severe lags

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... The issue is the USB2 connection and the drive at the end of it. While USB2 is faster than some things it is slower than most things, and is ...
music2myear's user avatar
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OBS recording videos at 1000 FPS

This is a known bug when recordings are saved as MKV format and its documented in the OBS forums . If you want to decrease the output size, then you might want to decrease your bit rate in video ...
iTechieGamer's user avatar

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