I can add a display capture as a source, but can only select the entire monitor. Is there a way to select only a portion of the screen?

  1. Add Display Capture

    Add Display Capture

  2. Select Entire Display

    Display Capture Source

But there's not an option to just select a portion of the screen. Any tools to do this without doing it in post?

1 Answer 1


According to this thread on how to record only a portion of a screen, you can:

  1. Right click on the Display Source and select Filters

    Filters Window

  2. Select Add Filter + and select Crop/Pad

    Add Filter > Crop Pad

  3. You can choose relative or absolute positioning:

    Relative / Absolute Positioning

Note: If your display now only takes up part of your canvas (like the following image)

Cropped image partial canvas

Remember to either:

  1. Right Click on the Display Source and select Resize output (source size).
  2. Or go to the Settings > Video > and update the Base (Canvas) Resolution.

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