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128 votes

What does Matroska have which WebM doesn't, that made the differentiation necessary?

necessitated "christening" a new format rather than just saying "WebM = Matroska with a restricted set of codecs used"? That's really exactly what WebM is – not a new format, just a subset of ...
126 votes

Downloading m3u8 videos

Get FFmpeg, then you can download your video with this command: ffmpeg -protocol_whitelist file,http,https,tcp,tls,crypto -i "
Tesseract's user avatar
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54 votes

Download video from Microsoft Stream

Have a look at this project on github. Its called destreamer and basically does what you want. Depends on your University, you can find a version customized with the specific automated login for your ...
Ahmad Elbadri's user avatar
26 votes

Capture RTSP stream from IP Camera and store

If I follow your question correctly, why don't you try the following command on a Linux system (RPi): ffmpeg -i rtsp:// -vcodec copy -acodec copy -map 0 -f segment -segment_time ...
Aldo's user avatar
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25 votes

Can YouTube (e.g.) send a video file once and multiple users stream it?

YouTube sends a separate copy to each user. It's pretty much the only option available over the Internet. is there any way through, apart from P2P, in which the ISP handles the parallelism or ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
19 votes

Computer won't play any online video until I reboot

RESOLVED I had the same issue. Put the Win10 to sleep. After waking up UTube or online videos did not play. I could browse in the timeline in the Utube video and showed up the thumbprint of the xy ...
Sheriff's user avatar
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13 votes

Creating MP4 videos ready for HTTP streaming

You can simply convert a non-streamable AVI or MP4, also without re-encoding everything, by doing this: ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -c copy -movflags faststart STREAMABLE_OUTPUT.mp4 There's no need to re-...
user769852's user avatar
12 votes

using a good streaming mp4, Output file #0 does not contain any stream

You forgot the -i to indicate which file is an input. Change your command to: ffmpeg -i MAH00107.MP4 -movflags faststart outputfile.mp4
llogan's user avatar
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12 votes

What does Matroska have which WebM doesn't, that made the differentiation necessary?

For clarity, simplicity and standardization. Matroska supports hundreds of codecs. WebM supports 1 video and 1 audio (or is there more now?). So if I (or a computer program) ask “can you play webm” ...
szatmary's user avatar
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11 votes

How do I find the video stream URL of ONVIF cameras manually?

According to the ONVIF Core Specification, an ONVIF-compliant device has its device management entry point fixed to http://${HOST}:${PORT}/onvif/device_service. This endpoint is used for device ...
Abdull's user avatar
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9 votes

Create video from images and audio with varying image durations using FFMPEG?

Basic template is ffmpeg -y \ -loop 1 -t 1 -i a1.jpg \ -loop 1 -t 1 -i a2.jpg \ -loop 1 -t 4 -i a3.jpg \ -loop 1 -t 1 -i a4.png \ -loop 1 -i a5.png \ -i audio.mp3 \ -filter_complex "...
Gyan's user avatar
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8 votes

How to record streams with Ace Player HD?

Click in the View menu of the Ace Player Go to Advanced controls (once you click, then advanced controls must appear in the left lower corner). Click on the record button. You can find the recorded ...
Lorena Pita's user avatar
8 votes

Can YouTube (e.g.) send a video file once and multiple users stream it?

Consider that if three people are viewing the same 50 minute-long video, one client might be at the beginning, another the middle and a third at the end. One could even decide to backtrack 15 minutes ...
DrMoishe Pippik's user avatar
7 votes

Streaming Media From Inside HTML Pages, by Example

How do streaming media players, running inside HTML pages and served by HTML servers, establish streaming (RTSP, etc.) connections with streaming media servers (serving RTSP requests)? Common ...
Vomit IT - Chunky Mess Style's user avatar
6 votes

Can YouTube (e.g.) send a video file once and multiple users stream it?

The current best solution is brute force, and local proxy servers distributed around the world (CDN = Content Delivery Network). Multicast ( technically ...
Peter Cordes's user avatar
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5 votes

why is default audio volume always at 100%

Firefox ( NOTE: Works for HTML5 video) 1:Load about:config in the browser's address bar. 2:Confirm that you will be careful if this is the first time you open the configuration screen. 3:Search for ...
Savage's user avatar
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5 votes

Computer won't play any online video until I reboot

Solved mine on Windows 10 by doing this: In Task Manager go to the services and restart services with name; Audiosrv AudioEndpointBuilder
EmaX's user avatar
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5 votes

Ffmpeg how to limit input fps

Use the -re input option: -re (input) Read input at native frame rate. Mainly used to simulate a grab device, or live input stream (e.g. when reading from a file). Should not be used with actual grab ...
slhck's user avatar
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4 votes

Can I mux H.265 into FLV by force?

What is codec ID? Is it an FLV-specific marker to identify various stream formats? Yes. Read the FLV file specification for more info and see page 8 for the video data part of the bitstream format. ...
slhck's user avatar
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4 votes

Create video from a growing image sequence using FFMPEG

Thanks to slhck, I managed to come up with a C# script which continuously passes files to the stdin of ffmpeg as they get created, which can be cancelled by pressing any key or when the specified end ...
RedMser's user avatar
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4 votes

How to watch a uTorrent download that's still in progress?

In μTorrent, click Options on the menu bar. With the Options menu laid out, while holding down Shift and F2, select Preferences. This is necessary to make some hidden flags visible. Go the the ...
Louis Waweru's user avatar
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4 votes

How to efficiently create a best-palette gif from a video portion straight from the web

The problem can be easily solved by using a filtergraph with multiple chains, which allows us to perform the seek/download/filter just once and process it in multiple ways. The seeked/filtered stream ...
Matteo Italia's user avatar
4 votes

How do I stop Netflix from losing sync between audio and video?

I was able to fix this by going to “Control Panel -> Sound” then double-clicking my speakers from the list, then clicking the advanced tab, and unchecking “Allow applications to take exclusive control ...
Strill's user avatar
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4 votes

Creating an MP4 file that is tolerant to sudden failure during encoding

This isn't possible with a regular MP4 as the metadata is required to play the file, and the metadata is held in memory while the file is being constructed. Once all media has been processed, the ...
Gyan's user avatar
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4 votes

Cannot play video stream from FFMPEG to VLC

Add a packet size on both server (ffmpeg) and client (vlc) sides; in ffmpeg: >ffmpeg -re -i "path/to/my/video.mp4" -vcodec libx264 -f mpegts udp:// in vlc: &...
joedotnot's user avatar
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3 votes

How much bandwith is required to stream 1080p?

I was able to calculate the bandwidth and storage for a 1080P video (with additional parameters) on this website: H.264 compressed 1080P HD @ 30 ...
PJSimon's user avatar
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3 votes

FFMPEG command to stream video to a Multicast address

the '-re' flag is applied to input not output, your command won't work as you have it listed. you have your ttl set to 1, that will stop you at the first router, bump it up and see what happens. ...
Leroy Scandal's user avatar
3 votes

FFMPEG command to stream video to a Multicast address

Full range of multicast addresses is from to After running the FFmpeg command goto any PC in the same network use this in VLC udp://@[IP]:[port]
BlackRoot's user avatar
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