I have a low powered server with a few videos that I would like to live stream to Youtube or Twitch. the problem is most streaming software (like OBS) require to re-encode the video before streaming it ( guess to add overlays and other audio streams maybe?) and my poor server just can't handle it. the videos are already encoded using h.264 and have a fairly low bitrate. my internet is more than capable of streaming at such bitrates but I can't find a software to do it.

1 Answer 1


Ok apparently you can do it with FFmpeg like this

ffmpeg -re -i my_video.mp4 -c copy -f flv rtmp://live-fra.twitch.tv/app/{key_here}

Note: The live-fra in the URL above stands for the Twitch server in Frankfurt. Please check Twitch ingest endpoints to let Twitch suggest which server might be optimal for you to stream to. Personally, for me, changing the URL from live-fra to live-syd (Sydney) made a huge difference!

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