I wanted to record only audio with OBS Studio. So I have created a new scene and added just Audio Capture Device (ALSA). Then I clicked on the Start recording...button. It recorded both screen and audio. So another time, I tried to replace ALSA with PulseAudio, but it went to the same result. So how can I record just audio via OBS Studio?

  • I see, that "as usual" my question is migrated. So why OBS Studio is not an application? Probably my understanding of applications is wrong. I thought that applications are all GUI, which supports a certain amount of help to a user.
    – Juandev
    Commented Mar 10, 2023 at 8:27
  • 1
    The term "application" in this context refers to software applications. There are several types, the site Web Applications is for questions about a very specific type of software application. OBS Studio belongs to a different category. Basically anything that you have to install in your computer might be asked in Super User, but defintely not in Web Applications (the exception are web browsers with some limitations). Please checkout Finding hard to fit into right site between Super User and Web Applications
    – Wicket
    Commented Mar 10, 2023 at 8:34
  • Why do you want to use OBS if all you're interested in is audio? Why would you not use e.g. Audacity? OBS is mostly concerned with Video and Live Streaming. Only recording audio isn't what you'd usually use it for.
    – Seth
    Commented Mar 10, 2023 at 10:00

1 Answer 1


To record only audio in OBS Studio, go to File -> Settings -> Output, make sure Advanced mode is selected. Open Recording tab and choose Custom Output (FFmpeg) in dropdown. Choose e.g. mp3 as container, disable Video encoder and edit the rest of settings to suit your needs.

This will save the output to .mp3 directly and you can use a separate profile for that in case you're also using OBS for normal video recording.

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