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Questions tagged [gzip]

`gzip` (or GNU zip) is a file format and corresponding utility for compressing files using the DEFLATE algorithm. The usual extension is `.gz`.

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If a .gz file was downloaded can it demage my computer or steal data?

I was unaware that I was on a data phishing landing page (it was very clever, I haven't seen anything like this before) and I downloaded a .gz file. After that it started to become suspicius so I ...
Bálint Forgács's user avatar
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Are .tar.gz files made in Linux with identical files identical to .tar.gz files made in Windows?

I've produced a .tar.gz file in Windows that contains some files to update firmware via a Linux Device. The update failed to take, and a Coworker mentioned the problem was because the .tar.gz did not ...
k1dfr0std's user avatar
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Mounting a directory of zipped files for direct unzipped access

I have a directory tree with LOTS of .gz files. I once saw a way to mount it (via FUSE I think) so that I could see all the files directly (i.e. unzipped) under another directory. I've been searching ...
dargaud's user avatar
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Why are not all my files included when I gzip a directory?

I know this is a question that has been asked before, for example here Recursively count all the files in a directory, but this is driving me crazy. Let me explain: I have a directory called "...
Mathias's user avatar
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dd + gz = Even Worse /// Mount Valid Partition of Whole-Disk dd Image

I've got a 250G backup of a whole disk via dd, which was then piped to gz, thanks to the advice of one of my -genius- friends. Looks like the EFI boot partition was corrupted (pretty sure it's an ...
numonium's user avatar
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zcat + pigz = undeletable write-only "zombie" file - what happened?

A colleague (anonymized to protect the innocent, the guilty and wherever in this range accidental demon summoners fall) followed a tutorial that included combining a handful of gzipped files with zcat ...
KeyboardCat's user avatar
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Windows tar compress command doesnt appear to include subdirectories

I am trying to compress all files and folders in the current folder (on my Windows 10 environment) so I can extract them on my Raspbian environment. Im using a Powershell script with the tar command ...
Jimbo's user avatar
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gzip -d introduces wrong ASCII characters

I am struggling with the following command: gzip -d /path/to/compressed.sql.gz I always run it inside a container from the same Docker image. It works fine on my laptop as well as in our production ...
hlfernandez's user avatar
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Can one extract the files in a .tar.gz and upload them individually onto cPanel?

I am in the process of migrating my website from Bluehost to a different hosting company. I downloaded the entire backup of the cPanel (61 GIG) successfully, but uploading files is incredibly much ...
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Error: (InvalidBSON) incorrect BSON length in element with field name 'clone_class_metrics.CE' in object with _id: ObjectId

I have windows 10 on my system with enough storage. I have a database that is 208 GB in a file with the .agz extension. When I import the database into my MongoDB, I face the following error: 2021-09-...
Balive13's user avatar
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How do I maintain integrity on zip and unzip?

I'm taking a dd of a drive and trying to share it with a friend. It's rather big after dd (~8gb). When I tar -czvf my-image.img I can get it down to ~1.5gb. However, if I try to test unzip it, I see ...
gh0st's user avatar
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Unable to decompress file with gzip

I have a file called myfile.dat.gz that I need to decompress. I have been trying gzip -d myfile.dat.gz, but this results in the error gzip: myfile.dat.gz: invalid compressed data--format violated. ...
formicaman's user avatar
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recompressing .gz and .bz2 files to attain the same hash/checksum (mod timestamps?)

i want to duplicate the entire contents of wikimedia's dumps, monthly, and upload them to amazon glacier and/or tape backup and/or a third backup medium that can survive corporation collapse/...
loud_flash's user avatar
3 votes
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I have downloaded large gzipped xml files from Pubchem but my computer says they are corrupted

I have tried twice downloading the large gzipped xml files from PubChem FTP server, once through wget and one through chrome manually, but both times result in a corrupt file. For example, the first ...
Lance's user avatar
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How could I use logrotate and group by day a bunch of gzip files with an uncompresssed extension?

Doing a test in a production enviroment with rotation logs with 2 days just for testing purposes with gizp files. Created a test file at /tmp/. /etc/init.d/test /tmp/test/*.gz { daily ...
Marlon's user avatar
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How to split a large gzip file into smaller gzip files without uncompressing it first?

Is there a way to split a large gzip file into smaller gzip files without using zcat? zcat large.bed.gz| split --numeric-suffixes - -b 7M --filter='gzip > $FILE.gz' large.part.
0x90's user avatar
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How can I count the number of files inside a tar.gz file (don't want to decompress)

I have a tar.gz file (neatly 1TB size). I want to count the number of files inside this tar.gz file. I used the following command tar -tzf file.tar.gz but it only lists the file name while I need the ...
Taufiq's user avatar
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Transfer a directory over ssh with sudo

I am trying to transfer a directory from a remote server(CentOS) to my local machine(Ubuntu) over ssh. There are two users : A and B. User A can ssh into remote server and has sudo access. User B owns ...
Saurabh P Bhandari's user avatar
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I want to tar gz file of the month of January

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4788074 Jan 1 01:50 2020-01-01-00-50-18.done.csv -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4842864 Jan 1 02:50 2020-01-01-01-50-18.done.csv -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4923486 Jan 1 03:50 ...
Thilagarajan Subramaniam's user avatar
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Perform operations on the output of find command with -exec options

I want to perform operations on the files found by the find command which already has a -exec option. find . -type f -exec zgrep -li "4168781103" {} + Output: ./results/...
Prithvi Jayaraman's user avatar
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How to make Dovecot maildir format emails be gziped using zlib

I activate compression plugin by set following on Dovecot: # /etc/dovecot/conf.d/20-imap.conf (...) protocol imap { mail_plugins = $mail_plugins zlib } # /etc/dovecot/conf.d/90-plugin.conf (...) ...
Mike Castro Demaria's user avatar
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"gzip --version" gives "Abort trap: 6" in macOS

I found that doing gzip --version in the terminal on my Mac just gives output Abort trap: 6. I came across this because it appears to cause another program to exit when it searches for the installed ...
PeterW's user avatar
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gzip: CHARTEVENTS.csv.gz: not in gzip format

I'm trying to expand a file named CHARTEVENTS.csv.gz by using guzip CHARTEVENTS.csv.gz , but always I have this error gzip: CHARTEVENTS.csv.gz: not in gzip format . can any one tell me what is the ...
el abed houssem's user avatar
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how to send the decompressed output of archives to standard output?

When you decompress a gzip archive with gunzip without any arguments, the archive disappears, and you're left with the decompressed file in its place. However, if you use the -c option, the archive ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Extracting a file in solaris

I'm try to extract a file in solaris to a folder. I have tried following combinations but no luck. gunzip -c jdk-8u211-solaris-sparcv9.tar.gz > /opt/java/jdk8.2.11 I'm getting a is directory ...
BoomRamada's user avatar
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Serving tar.gz file through AWS Cloudfront?

I would like to keep things tidy on the S3 bucket where my website's assets live. Currently I am uploading all assets to S3, as part of the CI/CD pipeline, this has got a bit messy since generated ...
Carlos Valencia's user avatar
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gz file corrupted while transfer

I have huge gz files generated in linux machines and everyday night there is a script running to move files to remote network storage which is also linux host with terabytes data. The problem is, I am ...
nu110rz3r0's user avatar
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MongoDB, Using mongorestore on an .agz file

I am using MongoDB 3.6 and am having trouble understanding how to use mongorestore on an .agz file. If I specify the below, then I get an error saying Failed: error connecting to db server: no ...
siddhu's user avatar
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How to restore the original file.gz after running a gunzip -f file.gz?

The default behavior of gunzip is to delete the .gz file after it decompresses. There's a way to restore the original file from the decompressed version on Mac OS?
SuperAtic's user avatar
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While trying to see the content of a zipped file, I only get information about the zipping process

In Ubuntu, installed on Windows Subsystem for Linux, I want to see the content of a zip file, using gzip --list. I expected to see a list of included files like this: FileName ratio File1 ...
Dominique's user avatar
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How do modern browsers deflate .tar.gz files?

Assuming the server is set up correctly, modern browsers are able to automatically decompress .gzip files when they are downloaded. Is the same true for a .tar.gz file? For example, say you have an ...
sme's user avatar
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Extract folder inside large gzip file in windows

I have a 200 gb tar.gz file I need to extract one folder inside this file. I know exact location of the folder need. Is there any way to do that, any third party tools, or any power shell commands ? ...
Ebin Manuval's user avatar
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Compress and provide single-file access to 10 million files [closed]

I have ~10 million small text files and I would like to solve the following tasks: compress all the data; put it all into 1 file to transfer over the Internet; be able to access each single file ...
Denis Kulagin's user avatar
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Why is my .tar.gz larger than the sum of the separately compressed files in it?

I observed the following situation which is somewhat unexpected to me: I have a csv file and a corresponding txt file. Uncompressed, their sizes are 375MB and 5KB. When I compress the csv file ...
der_grund's user avatar
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Not enough disk space to unzip 50 GB file on Ubuntu 16.04: Can I extract and reduce zip file size at the same time?

I have a 50 GB zip file, which contains roughly 50.000 jpg images. The jpgs are, unzipped, around 55 GB. I am on Ubuntu 16.04. But I only have 70 GB disk size on that system. So I get a disk error in ...
tyrex's user avatar
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DD image smaller than drive copied

I took a backup of my server's OS disk through a live USB. Using the command: dd if=/dev/sda bs=512 count=(30 gb worth of sectors) conv=noerror,sync status=progress | gzip -c > /path/to/removable/...
Scu11y's user avatar
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How do I use 7-Zip GUI for Windows to create .tar.gz files?

How can I use the 7-Zip GUI on Windows to create .tar.gz files?
Dherik's user avatar
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Why does gzip -c give different results than gzip?

I am writing unit tests for some code and found that a simple gzip is causing a difference in my results. Upon further investigation I found that gzip gives a different .gz file than gzip -c does. Why ...
drjrm3's user avatar
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Gzip -c over pipe matter?

I saw sometime 2 ways of writting: with and without -c Do the 2 following case output the same and have equal speed ? mysqldump -u root dbname | gzip > test.sql mysqldump -u root dbname | gzip -c ...
Thanh Trung's user avatar
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How to view specific path inside tar.gz?

tar -tf file.tar.gz let's me view inside the whole archive. How do you view a specific path without viewing the whole thing? E.g., I want to view only /path/foo/ Update: This command almost works ...
IMB's user avatar
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Can I decompress a .gzip file with tar?

I downloaded a .gz file with anonymized Census data and around 1 GB compressed. I am unable to inspect it with tar: $ tar -tf census.csv.gz tar: Unrecognized archive format tar: Error exit delayed ...
emonigma's user avatar
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MNIST Dataset - .gz files do not contain "raw" bytes

I am trying to use the MNIST dataset. However, when I download the .gz image file and then unzip it, I get a lot of "compressed" bytes. Here's a bit of it: 'Tπüó<$fi˛˛˛˛Ò∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆™4CrHr£„˛·˛˛˛˙²˛...
Hazard's user avatar
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Append to compressed log

There is a couple of z-utilities (zless, zcat), which are able to read contents of zipped file in transparent manner. Is it possible to append to compressed log file (in either format, not ...
Tomilov Anatoliy's user avatar
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simple way to extract tar.gz in-place with no hard-drive overhead

I'm working with a tar.gz file (196 GB). This file needs to be extracted (240 GB) in place, and I would like the total disk usage not to go over 240 GB during the process (or close to it as possible). ...
chub500's user avatar
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Looking for the best way to backup and restore a directory of sparse files

We have a directory of sparse files (du returns 240M for one of these files; ls returns 960M). When we copy one of these files over to S3, we end up uploading the entire 960M, and on downloading ...
Jedi's user avatar
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AWS Redshift failed to inflateinvalid or incomplete deflate data while inserting a zipped csv file

I have a zipped csv file which is a part of a huge file, and extracted from the original huge file using the following command: gunzip -c myFile.csv.gz | head -n 500000 > myFile.csv.gz_p1 after ...
Cyrus's user avatar
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"gzip: stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored" and "gzip: tmp.gz has more than one entry -- unchanged"

I have a certain file named tmp.gz. When I try to decompress it using gzip -d, I get an error-message that it has multiple entries: $ gzip -d tmp.gz gzip: tmp.gz has more than one entry -- unchanged ...
ruakh's user avatar
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Md5 checksum different after gunzip and gzip

I accidentally deleted a handful of gzipped files from a folder. Thankfully, I had uncompressed them in a different location, and am in the process of restoring them. I had the md5 checksums for the ...
kevbonham's user avatar
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How to use gzip or gunzip in a pipeline with curl (For binary gz files)

I am using curl to download a file using the following command. curl -O I want to unpack it in a pipeline in the ...
nickg's user avatar
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Fast compression in 7z format (like zip or gzip)

In short: can the Deflate compression be used only with the zip format (-tzip) in 7zip? I want to archive a big directory (hundreds GiB) from a disk to another, while keeping I/O speed the same or ...
Nemo's user avatar
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