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dd + gz = Even Worse /// Mount Valid Partition of Whole-Disk dd Image

I've got a 250G backup of a whole disk via dd, which was then piped to gz, thanks to the advice of one of my -genius- friends. Looks like the EFI boot partition was corrupted (pretty sure it's an ...
numonium's user avatar
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recompressing .gz and .bz2 files to attain the same hash/checksum (mod timestamps?)

i want to duplicate the entire contents of wikimedia's dumps, monthly, and upload them to amazon glacier and/or tape backup and/or a third backup medium that can survive corporation collapse/...
loud_flash's user avatar
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DD image smaller than drive copied

I took a backup of my server's OS disk through a live USB. Using the command: dd if=/dev/sda bs=512 count=(30 gb worth of sectors) conv=noerror,sync status=progress | gzip -c > /path/to/removable/...
Scu11y's user avatar
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Looking for the best way to backup and restore a directory of sparse files

We have a directory of sparse files (du returns 240M for one of these files; ls returns 960M). When we copy one of these files over to S3, we end up uploading the entire 960M, and on downloading ...
Jedi's user avatar
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Reading ZFS snapshots from tape is slow

I backed up my a zfs snapshot to tape using zfs send tank/vertex@2017-01-20 | pv -cCTrbB 1g | pigz -c | pv -cCTrbB 1g | dd of=/dev/nst0 bs=1M and then read it back using dd if=/dev/nst0 bs=1M | pv -...
chew socks's user avatar
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How can I restore a MySql database dump direct from S3?

I have a gzipped database backup stored on S3 and would like to restore it to MySql without having to first download it due to disk space constraints. I tried the two commands below but got gzip: ...
KalenGi's user avatar
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How to Tar/GZip just the files folders in the data directory?

I have a bunch of folders and files in /usr/local/bin/data that I want to tar.gz. I have a bash script that sets the source folder to backup src='/usr/local/bin/data/* When I open up the .tar.gz ...
user1052448's user avatar
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Using dd to backup disk to same disk

I've tried using dd to back up my computer's hard drive, but I met with some rather confusing results. I've seen on multiple sources (e.g.:,...
Ben Sandeen's user avatar
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Incorrect size of image file made with dd and gzip?

In the past I made a backup of a partially full partition with dd if=/dev/sda1 | gzip -5 > file.gz. Some time later, when a free space on partition was smaller I made an image file again with the ...
To-la120's user avatar
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canot restore disk image with dd (target part filled with zero)

I have a RAID0 disk before, now I want change the size of it. From the manual, the only way is backup data, delete RAID, re-create with new size, and restore data. now I have many old 2.5" hdd, each ...
GongT's user avatar
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Why is piping 'dd' through gzip so much faster than a direct copy?

I wanted to backup a path from a computer in my network to another computer in the same network over a 100 Mbit/s line. For this I did dd if=/local/path of=/remote/path/in/local/network/backup....
Foo Bar's user avatar
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Estimate compressed file size in tar.gz

I've got a set of .tar.gz files, which are duplicity backup files (either full backups or incremental ones). I'd like to compute which directories take the most space on backups. This will most ...
liori's user avatar
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uncompress gzipped encrypted file

I have got a backfile with extension .tar.gz.enc. After fooling around I found out that it is encrypted gzipped tarball. Now I want know how to decrypt it.
TheVillageIdiot's user avatar
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Help on writing Linux script to backup and ftp files to another server

I am using MySQL as the database system for my application on a Linux system. Every week I update the system and take backups (mysqldump) of the databases changed (2 databases). I then .tar.gz them ...
TMM's user avatar
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