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Why are not all my files included when I gzip a directory?

I know this is a question that has been asked before, for example here Recursively count all the files in a directory, but this is driving me crazy. Let me explain: I have a directory called "...
Mathias's user avatar
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Unable to decompress file with gzip

I have a file called myfile.dat.gz that I need to decompress. I have been trying gzip -d myfile.dat.gz, but this results in the error gzip: myfile.dat.gz: invalid compressed data--format violated. ...
formicaman's user avatar
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simple way to extract tar.gz in-place with no hard-drive overhead

I'm working with a tar.gz file (196 GB). This file needs to be extracted (240 GB) in place, and I would like the total disk usage not to go over 240 GB during the process (or close to it as possible). ...
chub500's user avatar
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Fast compression in 7z format (like zip or gzip)

In short: can the Deflate compression be used only with the zip format (-tzip) in 7zip? I want to archive a big directory (hundreds GiB) from a disk to another, while keeping I/O speed the same or ...
Nemo's user avatar
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gzip unix command with tar command

I want to zip more than one file using gzip, but when I unzip it I should get multiple files. I tried tar with zip but tar created extra folders that I don't want. The files I want to zip are cp1....
Nitin's user avatar
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4 answers

How to open tar gz file created using tar piped to gzip

I wanted to generate a tar gz file with the highest compression level, and I followed the solution from tar cv /path/to/directory | gzip -9 > file.tar.gz ...
FBB's user avatar
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Unix gzip more than one file at once

I have come to the end of my research with unix:> I'm new with unix and its enviroment, so i need your help guys. Long story short, i have a housekeeping script, which runs daily/weekly (it doesnt ...
Justas's user avatar
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How to tell of a GZip file is still being written while being copied

I am getting a gzip file in a path. Input Folder Path: <server>/input_gate I want to check whether the GZIP file I am getting in this folder are valid? I have used the following command. It ...
Raj's user avatar
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Concatenate header of one file with tail of another

I have a large gzipped mysqldump file which contains some table definitions and then many insert statements. I'd like to edit the table definitions but leave the insert statements alone. The file is ...
noisecapella's user avatar
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Copying Jar files into single zip file

I am trying to compress the hundreds of jar files into a single zip file that can be transferred to a different location. Please help.
Prit's user avatar
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6 answers

How can I get the uncompressed size of gzip file without actually decompressing it?

Please find my OS details: $ uname -a AIX xxyy 1 6 000145364C00 I've tried the following command to get size of a file in gzip archive: $ gzip -l mycontent.DAT.Gz compressed uncompr. ratio ...
user238010's user avatar
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What is the equivalent unix command to a Mac OSX "Compress" menu action?

When I right-click a file in Mac OSX and select "Compress 'File Name'", what is the equivalent bash or terminal command to get the same result? Is it just gzip -9 /path/to/filename?
Ryan's user avatar
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UNIX shell command to expand files of any compressed type

Is there any UNIX shell command to expand a compressed file which type is not known in advance? I should be able to use this command to expand at least any of the following types of files, though the ...
NPalopoli's user avatar
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gzip change file ownership

Here is a case I don’t understand. I have a group bar, and this group has two users; foo and bar. I have a test.txt file, foo is the owner and bar user only can read it. However, if bar user run ...
allen's user avatar
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Did gzip destroy my log file?

I had a rather big log file. So I thought I'd gzip it before transferring it to my pc. I did gzip bla.log which gave me a tiny bla.log.gz When I extract it using gunzip bla.log.gz I get back to ...
Thomas's user avatar
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