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Questions tagged [gzip]

`gzip` (or GNU zip) is a file format and corresponding utility for compressing files using the DEFLATE algorithm. The usual extension is `.gz`.

228 votes
6 answers

How to specify level of compression when using tar -zcvf?

I gzip directories very often at work. What I normally do is tar -zcvf file.tar.gz /path/to/directory Is there a way to specify the compression level here? I want to use the best compression ...
Lazer's user avatar
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178 votes
7 answers

How to password protect gzip files on the command line?

I want to create some tar.gz (and possibly tar.bz2) files, using the tar command on Ubuntu 10.04. I want to password protect the file. What is the command to do this (I have Googled, but found ...
morpheous's user avatar
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157 votes
7 answers

Pros and cons of bzip vs gzip?

I've known gzip for years, recently I saw bzip being used at work. Are they basically equivalent, or are there significant pros and cons to one of them over the other?
ripper234's user avatar
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148 votes
1 answer

How do I unzip a tar gz archive to a specific destination?

I want to unpack a .tar.gz file to a specific directory. The archive file is in /root/Documents. I want to unzip it into /root/Desktop/folder. The folder structure in zipped file should be preserved ...
alwbtc's user avatar
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118 votes
2 answers

How to list the contents of a zip along w/ file sizes and compression ratio via cmd line

How do I list the contents of a zip along w/ file sizes and compression ratio (or packed size) on osx w/ command line tools?
erikvold's user avatar
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111 votes
8 answers

tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

I have written a little script that tars and compresses a list of directories + files. The script appears to run succesfully, in that a useable .tar.gz file is created after the script runs. However,...
morpheous's user avatar
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110 votes
4 answers

How to obtain maximum compression with .tar.gz? [duplicate]

The way i understand the use of tar + gzip is that tar is normally used to consolidate a grouping of files into a single file, then gzip is used to compress that file. I recently learned that tar can ...
Mario Zigliotto's user avatar
95 votes
6 answers

How to gzip multiple files into one gz file?

I have 100 files: cvd1.txt, cvd2.txt ... cvd100.txt How to gzip 100 files into one .gz file, so that after I gunzip it, I should have cvd1.txt, cvd2.txt ... cvd100.txt separately?
Tony 's user avatar
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93 votes
6 answers

Command to 'gzip' a folder?

I am new to Mac command prompt stuff. How do you create a gzip of a folder in Mac OS X? I was told by a few folks that if you want to create a gzip of a folder you should 'tar' it first and then 'gzip'...
thndrkiss's user avatar
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88 votes
4 answers

Why is piping 'dd' through gzip so much faster than a direct copy?

I wanted to backup a path from a computer in my network to another computer in the same network over a 100 Mbit/s line. For this I did dd if=/local/path of=/remote/path/in/local/network/backup....
Foo Bar's user avatar
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78 votes
3 answers

How to know if a site is gzipped?

I am accessing some web sites which are really really slow, and I would like to know if those sites are gzipped. Is there an easy way to find this out?'s user avatar
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73 votes
5 answers

gzip without tar? Why are they used together?

Why are tar and gzip almost always used together, and not just gzip? Is there any advantage to that method?
user541686's user avatar
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71 votes
2 answers

What is the correct MIME type for a tar.gz file?

What is the correct MIME type for a tar.gz file? I've searched around and found several values being used, including: application/x-gzip application/x-gtar application/x-tgz But I could find no ...
Lily Finley's user avatar
64 votes
7 answers

What is the maximum compression ratio of gzip?

What is the largest size a gzip (say 10kb for the sake of an example) can be decompressed to?
Zombies's user avatar
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58 votes
6 answers

How can I get the uncompressed size of gzip file without actually decompressing it?

Please find my OS details: $ uname -a AIX xxyy 1 6 000145364C00 I've tried the following command to get size of a file in gzip archive: $ gzip -l mycontent.DAT.Gz compressed uncompr. ratio ...
user238010's user avatar

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