I have a directory tree with LOTS of .gz files. I once saw a way to mount it (via FUSE I think) so that I could see all the files directly (i.e. unzipped) under another directory.

I've been searching for a while and it could have been gvfs but I don't see how to use it for that purpose; I did not see any examples besides gvfsd-archive file.gz mountpoint which is not what I'm looking for.

Read-only is fine for my purpose.

  • Could this be what you are looking for? The whole concept will be slower than sin as it will need to unzip any file to look at it. Commented Mar 15, 2023 at 15:53
  • This look more like a file converter. I'm pretty sure I saw something where you could go to something like ~/.somecustomdir/root/user/dir/file.tgz/sub/content and access the content file directly.
    – dargaud
    Commented Mar 16, 2023 at 12:28

1 Answer 1


Hi this sounds like the thing you may have used previously:



Looks easy to install:

You will need autoconf, libarchive-dev and libfuse-dev for building
archivemont, as well as GNU make and gcc of course.

From version 0.6.0 on archivemount uses autoconf, so just do the normal

autoreconf -i
./configure && make && sudo make install

to build archivemount and install it to /usr/local. For building it,
libfuse is needed in version 2.6 or higher, including its headerfiles
of course (on most distributions those can be found in a package named
something like libfuse-dev or so).

And very simple to run:

archivemount <options> <archive> <mountpoint>
Options are the normal fuse mount options, nothing special supported yet.

Hope this helps.

  • Unless I'm missing something, archivemount can only mount a single archive file. I need one that can do it with LOTS of them.
    – dargaud
    Commented Mar 16, 2023 at 12:24

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