I am trying to transfer a directory from a remote server(CentOS) to my local machine(Ubuntu) over ssh. There are two users : A and B. User A can ssh into remote server and has sudo access. User B owns a directory in remote server.

To transfer a directory owned by User B as User A, sudo needs to be used.

Currently for transferring a file (from remote to local) this is what I am using :

ssh -tt userA@remote_host 'stty raw -echo; sudo cat /path/to/remote/file/owned/by/userB' > /path/to/local/file

To transfer a directory I have tried the tar approach,

ssh -tt userA@remote_host 'stty raw -echo; sudo tar -C /path/to/remote/directory/owned/by/userB/ -czf - .' | tar -C /path/lo/local/directory -xzf -

However on the local system I get this error :

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

What am I doing wrong?


1 Answer 1


Attempt to transfer directory using ssh

ssh -tt userA@remote_host 'stty raw -echo; sudo tar -C /path/to/remote/directory/owned/by/userB/ -czf - .' | tar -C /path/lo/local/directory -xzf -

Piping the above command's output to cat (in local system) instead of tar, gives more info :

$ ssh -tt userA@remote_host 'stty raw -echo; sudo tar -C /path/to/remote/directory/owned/by/userB/ -czf - .' | cat
userA@remote_host's password: 
gzip: compressed data not written to a terminal. Use -f to force compression.
For help, type: gzip -h
Connection to remote_host closed.

To fix this, I used this command :

ssh -t userA@remote_host 'stty raw -echo; sudo tar -C /path/to/remote/directory/owned/by/userB/ -cf - . | gzip -9nf' | tar -C  /path/lo/local/directory -xzf -

Note for ssh options

Since I am using sudo to access User B's directory, ssh returns sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo if -t option is not used.

-t : Force pseudo-terminal allocation

Note for stty options

The stty option -echo is optional. It is to be used (I think) if sudo requires you to enter password.

raw : Process input as it is (do not interpret special characters, etc.)

-echo : Do not print typed characters

Note for gzip options

-9 : Set compression to maximum

-f : Force compression (As suggested by the error)

-n, --no-name : Does not include name and timestamp of the file (Helpful to compare checksums of the file in remote and local)

  • Note this is still fragile. If tar or gzip encounters a minor problem that would otherwise not break the operation entirely, a warning printed to stderr will contaminate the stream your local tar gets. There are scenarios when your tty prints something beyond your control (somebody uses wall or schedules a shutdown with shutdown, which generates a broadcast message); see this. Commented Oct 16, 2020 at 4:33
  • I agree, but my options are limited apart from moving the file owned by User B to a directory owned by me(User A) and then scp it to local. File integrity check using checksums is the only option in the event of the scenarios you mention. Commented Oct 16, 2020 at 4:42
  • File integrity check using checksums is the only option – Not quite. An additional channel is possible, e.g. by sending a stream via a forwarded port. Someone rogue can write to the same port though. Forwarding a Unix socket, when done properly, can solve this. But using sockets requires more knowledge, tools and effort. Are you interested? Commented Oct 16, 2020 at 4:57

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