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Questions tagged [fedora-20]

Fedora is a Linux distribution. Version 20 Heisenbug coincides with the 10th anniversary of the creation of the Fedora Project.

7 votes
3 answers

Why some commands don't take input redirection?

For example, echo: [aesteban@localhost ~]$ cat tmp.txt Angel [aesteban@localhost ~]$ echo < tmp.txt [aesteban@localhost ~]$ As you can see, the output is just a blank line. According to my ...'s user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Removed lines in .bash_history are still listed in history command. How to load the changes?

I removed command lines in my .bash_history. The problem is that when I execute the history command the deleted commands are still listed. How do I load the changes ? I tried source .bashrc and ...'s user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Sending too much data over IPv6

I have installed fedora 20 in my laptop, and got a problem that the data traffic, especially the sending part, increased heavily (>10MiB/s), while connecting networks with IPv6. I have tried to use ...
Bei Chen's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Firefox thinks I'm using and older Flash version

I'm running Firefox 35.0 on Fedora 20. It has the current latest Adobe Flash version ( Firefox is blocking Flash and displaying an alert bar, claiming it is outdated: In English: ...
That Brazilian Guy's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Incron Job is not being executed

I am using incron to monitor one of my file in /var/www/html directory. output of incrontab -l /var/www/html/test IN_ACCESS /home/intel/ This job is supposed to create a file in home ...
Khayam Gondal's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Failure to connect to VNC server after upgrade to Fedora-20

On one of my servers (Chameleon - host for a number of VMs running different OS versions) I have two VNC server instances (Tiger VNC) on the host system - one for a root desktop and one for a plain ...
Lars Poulsen's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Plasma 5 on Fedora giving "Could not start d-bus. Can you call qdbus?"

I cannot start Plasma 5 in Fedora 20. I have installed using the following method: yum install kf5-\* dnf copr enable dvratil/plasma-5 yum install plasma-5 Everything went fine and plasmashell will ...
theherk's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Can't create incron job

I am trying to create incron job, but no success. When I type: incrontab -l I got: no table for vujke and when I type: incrontab -e I got: editor finished with error: No such file or directory ...
vujke's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Setting and keeping resolution settings for a display that's not autodetected on KDE/Fedora 20

I have a non standard 1280x800 screen which isn't detected correctly by my linux system The screen is a 1280x800 native, 10.1 inch tablet display with an external controller board. I've got it ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

configure: error: Please install libyaml

I am following the installation of Basics of YAML Parsing in PHP to install YAML for PHP in Fedora 20. I went through all these steps: wget tar -xvzf yaml-1.1....
fedorqui's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Virtualbox - Access guest Fedora apache server from host windows 8

Arrgh please help with this HOST: Windows 8.1 x64 GUEST: Fedora APache server Problem: I cannot access the guest webserver through the browser on my host (using, I just get ...
jimsmith's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How do I set my window manager in Fedora 20 without using a graphical login prompt?

I'm using Fedora 20 and I've disabled the graphical login so now when I boot I'm presented with a standard console to log into. When I log in and run startx I get Metacity. How can I change this on a ...
m-rod's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How To Synchronize Directories in two different external hard disks?

I have few big folders "cosmo_sim_9", "cosmo_sim_10".... in one of my external hard disk, and a old copy of this on another external hard disk. I want to Synchronize old directories with the new one(...
R S John's user avatar
  • 113
1 vote
6 answers

No boot menu for Ubuntu 14.04 after dual boot installation

I assume, this is not a duplicate post. Please read my findings below before assuming so. I have gone through several questions over the Internet regarding people complaining that they are not ...
Rohit's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Adding X.509 certificate to UEFI secure boot database?

I have recently installed Fedora 20 on a custom desktop PC with a ASUS Z87-K motherboard. Given some commonly known bugs, I have installed the NVIDIA proprietary driver for my GeForce 630, and ...
zml's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Fedora 20 Systemd slideshow on startup

How do I use systemd to automatically run a slideshow automatically at startup? I am using Gnome on Fedora 20. eog works well, but I cannot get it to successfully run at startup.
user3456757's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Windows 8 and BIOS won't boot after installing Linux

I've recently been dual booting Windows 8 and Fedora 20 (and one point Ubuntu). My Fedora kernel wouldn't load in GRUB one day so I decided to reinstall Fedora using a live USB (my laptop doesn't have ...
user339778's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Find the reason why mysql root password is reset at ever system boot

Every time when I restart the server, booting the system I have to the following error: database error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) I can solve ...
Nusrat Nuriyev's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Fedora 20 is busted and hangs on boot

Final update : I did sudo yum update as per @Andre's suggestion, which on my crummy internet speed took a while but fixed everything. If yum reports it needs to download X MB it usually ends up ...
gideon's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Fedora20 is still there despite deleting partition

I dual booted fedora20 and windows 8.1 on my PC. Later I deleted the fedora partition and merged it with windows partitions, but still I was getting the fedora option while switching on my system, ...
Panthul's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Fedora 20 Post-Upgrade: /boot Partition is Almost Full

I just recently upgraded one of my boxes from F18 to F20 which went very smooth (using fedup). However, now my /boot partition is almost full: /dev/sda2 477M 436M 12M 98% /boot ...
DroBuddy's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Enable remote desktop on fedora 20 kde

I have a remote Fedora-20 kde 4.12.3 system and I can ssh into it no problem. I would however like to use the GUI for various purposes. Is there an option to enable to let me log into the linux ...
Hououin Kyouma's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Using root in fedora 20?

I want to be able to run commands as root... How do i do this? sudo yum install @kde-desktop cromwell is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. I found a post saying to edit /etc/...
Konner Rasmussen's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Fedora 20 touchpad bottom half useless

Previously I had to take my hard drive out of my laptop and plug it into my desktop, because the Fedora installer was not working on my new laptop. On a side note, with Kubuntu I have never had an ...
Jasper Creyf's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Linux's poweroff resets the machine instead of powering it off

I'm using Fedora 20 with Gnome3, and sometimes when I click on Power Off, the machine resets instead of powering off. Actually I don't know if it's being reset or if it's being powered off and then it ...
ChocoDeveloper's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to hide all windows except the one that I'm using?

I have set a shortcut to hide all the windows with Ctrl + Alt + D. But now I would like to set one that hides all except the currently active window. Is that possible?
ChocoDeveloper's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

389 LDAP server: woes setting it up

I'd like to use a LDAP server as a centralized rolodex I'm on fedora 20 I'm following the 389 administration manual, but when I get to create a root object, I get this window from the visual console ...
user1632812's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to disable the darkening of unfocused windows in Fedora 20? (Gnome3)

When I'm using a window, the other ones become darker. The problem is I find it annoying because sometimes I need to keep open a manual in Gedit while I type commands in the terminal. The darkening ...
ChocoDeveloper's user avatar