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Questions tagged [crontab]

Crontab is a short form of cron table. It is a configuration file that specifies shell commands to run periodically on a given schedule.

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Crontab doesn't apply the changes after editing it with crontab -e

In summary: I ran crontab -e, added a line, saved, said: crontab: installing new crontab, but running crontab -e just shows an old version of the file. Full explaination: Yesterday I added a line to ...
James T's user avatar
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Include hostname in crontab MAILFROM?

We have a lot of servers on RHEL8 & RHEL9 and would like to set something like this in crontab: [email protected] Problem is that HOSTNAME is not defined in the environment ...
Rop's user avatar
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Cron job does not execute according to time schedule

Consider the following cron job: * 22-23 * * * /usr/bin/curl -u username:paswword Now, according to this, the cron job must run every minute starting from 22h00 (...
Clint William Theron's user avatar
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What happens if I execute swapoff && swapon when RAM + swap exceeds RAM capacity

What happens if I execute the command sudo swapoff -a && swapon -a having RAM full 25GB/32GB and swap full 20GB/32GB? 25+20 = 45 > 32 so there's no way RAM can fit all operating data. On ...
banan3'14's user avatar
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Is that anyway to use with crontab with two commands such as shutdown and run script after reboot?

Is that anyway to use with crontab with two commands such as shutdown and run script after reboot? My entire command is not work. Only first command works: 22 16 * * * sudo shutdown -r 25 16 * * * @...
Aung Myo's user avatar
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Within Docker, how to correctly add a task to cron programmatically (scripting)? no errors are perceived in log

After several days of messing around with Docker, I have not found a solution to my problem. In short, I have tried to add cron to php:8.1-apache-bullseye and pass it a file with the task that I want ...
Francisco IA Lover's user avatar
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OSX cronjob doesn't have permission to touch existing files in Downloads?

I recently updated from OSX 13.2 to 13.5.2 and all my cronjobs are failing now. I'm trying to run rsync in a cronjob but it keeps failing, and I ultimately narrowed that down to my cron jobs not ...
Nobody's user avatar
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how do I remove errant control characters from crontab

I edited my crontab and strangely started getting "error: bad minute". Searching around, I discovered the cause was errant control characters. I can see the character $ at the end of each ...
punkish's user avatar
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Running a "System Events" automation using crontab in MacOS

update - the crontab is running the binary, but nothing happens, no errors or any output. it's have the same behavior as if it has no permissions the change the system settings I want to execute dark-...
Meir Tolpin's user avatar
4 votes
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Where is crontab's time command documented?

I'm searching for the documentation of the time command that can be prepended to the script in crontab * * * * * time
wolfrevo's user avatar
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Can I specify a specific time with seconds with Linux crontab?

49 18 * * * mpv ~/Musik/Donau.mp3 This command would play the Donau.mp3 file at exactly 6:49pm. How could I, for example, specify 6:49:50pm?
Peter Andres's user avatar
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mount and systemctl not executing inside crontab

Under root, i run crontab -e and write : 0 21 * * * systemctl stop transmission-daemon && umount /mnt/WD5 && hdparm -y /dev/sda I also tried 0 21 * * * mount /mnt/WD5 None of them ...
Adrien's user avatar
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Why is crontab not executing my .sh file?

I am completely and utterly confused at why crontab with not run this .sh file. I'm using a package called pushover notifications to send a notification to my phone. I've tried so many different ...
PapRedpaw's user avatar
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How to pass keyword to background process to close properly?

I have just created a shell script and and added to crontab -e Crontab is working fine but when I kill process manually the recorded video of that process is not playable. Because when I run the ...
Farid's user avatar
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Crontab append a command to certain user using shell

I am trying to set up a cron job using a shell script but I am unable to find a solution to it I am trying to use crontab like this: echo "*/1**** /opt/file/" | crontab - I ...
Nilay Singh's user avatar

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