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Questions tagged [cronjob]

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Include hostname in crontab MAILFROM?

We have a lot of servers on RHEL8 & RHEL9 and would like to set something like this in crontab: [email protected] Problem is that HOSTNAME is not defined in the environment ...
Rop's user avatar
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Can I specify a specific time with seconds with Linux crontab?

49 18 * * * mpv ~/Musik/Donau.mp3 This command would play the Donau.mp3 file at exactly 6:49pm. How could I, for example, specify 6:49:50pm?
Peter Andres's user avatar
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Cron Job command - understanding

I am using a cron job, received from one of my suppliers, in order to create/update the products data, stock, status, in my Woocommerce website. I have installed their plugin, all verification are ...
Alin H's user avatar
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I created a cronjob years ago, now it is still running on the server but I can't locate it with "crontab -e", what can I do?

two years ago I created a cronjob which execute a python script to backup stuff. Now, the thing is that this cronjob is still running: /var/log/cron.log.1:Oct 9 20:00:02 syslogngsrv CRON[28292]: (...
Elia Pirola's user avatar
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Output of 'date +%a' always in system-language?

Does date +%a output always the weekday in the system language? No matter if in bash, sh or cronjob
Omexlu's user avatar
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Trying to run a shellscript but not workung

My shell script is running when I manually run it. Cronjob is also working, al others are running but not this script. This is my code. 30 3 * * * cd /var/www/html/cronjob && sh ...
Shibin Mariyan Stanly's user avatar
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Lynx-dump cron job not working after installing SSL certificate

I have a cron job that has always worked fine, until we installed an SSL certicate and updated our .htaccess file to redirect all http requests to https. Now, the cron job is not working and I'm ...
Claire K's user avatar
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S3 command not working in cron

I have this ultra simple cron job: 48 20 * * * cd /home/pankaj;s3cmd -f get s3://myfile.gz The command works by itself. But the cron job does not. The cron job is created for the same user(pankaj) ...
kargirwar's user avatar
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How would I make a cron job stop and start again?

I am trying to make a cron job that stops at 12am today(friday) then start again Monday at 7am, what would the script for this look like, I am new to cron jobs.
MrPigbot's user avatar
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Task Scheduler don't start Task every hour (Windows 10)

I configured a powershell script to grab some reddit rss feed. So I set the task to run every hour once to grab new feed items. But I can only run/trigger it manually. It won't start at every even ...
Georodin's user avatar
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How to test cron @reboot entry?

How can I test if @reboot is working without the need of reboot the machine? Is there anyway to force @reboot to entry to run? Thank you.
Augusto Will's user avatar
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Terminal with a command line switch --minimized (or --min etc.)

I am trying tu run terminal commands so a terminal window is shown only in a task bar or even not shown at all. There are some approaches of it with xdotool or wmctrl but they work so the window ...
Adam Mazurkiewicz's user avatar
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McAfee Endpoint Security for Linux Threat Prevention cannot schedule ODS-Tasks [closed]

McAfee Endpoint Security for Linux Threat Prevention, Version : We are working on a Linux server with a pre-installed McAfee. The regular ODS-Scanning has been really annoyed us. So we've ...
xulin tan's user avatar
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Postgresql pg_dump not working with anacron (cron.daily) on Ubuntu 18.04

I have two files called lb and z-backup. z-backup is a sh script placed in cron.daily which calls the lb (sh) script as an anacron job. These are the files and their locations: ls -l ~/bin/lb -...
speed bump's user avatar
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how to add timestamp to file names when moving them to cloud storage using cron job in ssh

I have built an ftp server on google compute engine that receives data from on prem systems as csv. I want to move this data after receiving it to a google cloud storage using a cron job from the vm ...
Be2's user avatar
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