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Questions tagged [docker-compose]

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.mysql_history: how to persist it with the official MariaDB Docker image?

How does it work the MariaDB .mysql_history file from the official MariaDB Docker image? It's not really something I want in production. But it might be handy in a developer setup. Also, although it ...
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Failed to set the root user to MongoDB

I have created a MongoDB docker container with the following compose.yaml --- services: mongodb: image: "" container_name: mongodb restart: unless-...
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Docker Compose network isolation mechanism in Linux

When I deploy Docker Compose services, I found that the Docker containers are all on one bridged linux segment; this much is expected. However, sometimes I have had problems connecting from one linux ...
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Linux Docker compose container cannot ping another bridged Docker container

Overview I need a Docker Compose zabbix host to ping a host on a containerlab docker network. These two Docker networks run under a linux Docker host machine as below... This information comes from ...
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Is it possible to change the default user of docker minio/minio:latest from root to any other username/group?

I am using minio/minio:latest image in my docker-compose.yaml file, and I want the minio docker container to have a user other than root. after checking the /usr/bin/ shipped with ...
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Nextcloud android app does not work with the community nextcloud docker image, and caddy as a reverse proxy

I want to setup nextcloud in my home server with the following (in order of importance): Nextcloud is fast on a web browser and phone Nextcloud is encrypted with trusted SSL certificates, but without ...
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"Operation not permitted" when accessing a NFS mounted directory inside a docker container

I am working on a Web-App which needs access to a QNAP-NAS file system to edit and create directories and files inside it. In order to mount the NFS to the docker container, I used the following ...
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Rebooting breaks dns-server docker container

This is my ~/docker-webdev-stack/docker-compose.yml services: dns-server: container_name: dns-server hostname: dns-server image: technitium/dns-server:latest # For DHCP deployments, ...
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docker-compose output format has changed to long, how to get back short output?

Output of docker compose ps command in docker compose version v2.20.x and earlier was short, since "COMMAND" column was truncated: $ sudo apt-get install 'docker-compose-plugin=2.20.*' [...] ...
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Firewalling Docker Compose

I'm trying to operate Docker Compose containers behind a firewall on Debian 12. I cannot get access to the host machine (set up to be host.docker.local in the containers) to work within the containers ...
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How do I configure Docker containers for Traefik Proxy correctly?

I was trying to test out Traefik Proxy, so I added Traefik labels to an existing Compose file I had for OpenSpeedTest. version: '3.3' services: speedtest: restart: unless-stopped ...
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docker-compose detach keyboard shortcut?

I'm running Docker Desktop 4.2.0 on Windows 10 Pro. Until recently, to detach from containers after running docker-compose up, I could use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + z. This stopped working. How to ...
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can't docker-compose up all at once on ec2 t2.micro

I have 3 services in my compose.yaml, 2 web apps and nginx proxy manager, on ec2 if I call sudo docker-compose up it will eventually freeze and the instance will become unresponsive ( I have to reboot ...
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docker compose down service with label

I'm trying to figure out how to programmatically compose down several services with a label. Currently I'm just using docker container stop as such: docker container stop -t 60 $(docker ps -q -f "...
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Does docker (-compose) support pure L1 or L2 networking?

As a hobby project I'm trying to build a "mini internet" from the ground up, including hosts, routers, dhcp, dns, tls, the works, but I'm having trouble finding a platform that is as "...
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How to run and network Docker Swarm inside Docker containers?

I'm trying to get docker swarm to run inside docker-compose where containers fill the role of nodes. For educational purposes, I'd like to be able to simulate a distributed swarm via docker-compose. ...
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Error when setting up Ansible AWX

Im setting up Ansible AWX on my Windows 10 machine using docker-compose. When running the install playbook ansible-playbook -i inventory install.yml I get the error below. Im able to see the login ...
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New to self-hosting and struggling with Monica CRM Docker setup (503 Error)

As someone new to self-hosting, I embarked on what I thought would be a relatively simple project: setting up Monica CRM using Docker. However, I've encountered an unexpected challenge and am seeking ...
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Configure Portainer Stacks from outside / from config files (not through the web ui)

I'm using Portainer to watch my Docker compose stacks and restart them with new image versions when the corresponding docker-compose.yml changes. My docker-compose.yml is inside a Github repo and ...
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How to connect to WSL Docker Container using localhost keyword

Is there some way to connect to a container, running inside WSL 2, using the keyword localhost instead of To give more context, I have a Docker Compose to run a Microsoft SQL Server ...
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Why can my Docker host access containers on ipvlan when network parent is WiFi, but not when network parent is Ethernet?

I have a Docker compose setup that consists of two containers (though I will be adding more once I get past my current problem). I am running it on a Linux Mint machine with Docker 24.0.7 and Docker ...
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Error response from daemon, stat overlay no such file or directory after changing docker root location

I changed docker's data root on my system because the var partition was beginning to fill up, following this tutorial but substituting --data-root instead of -g. After making the switch, one of my ...
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How to install latest docker-compose without docker desktop

I have installed docker this way └─$ docker --version Docker version 24.0.5, build 24.0.5-0ubuntu1~20.04.1 then trying to ...
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Configure a Raspbery Pi Nextcloud local server to run https with Docker containers

I'm trying to set up a Nextcloud server on my local nextwork using a Raspberry Pi. To do so, I used 3 docker images: nextcloud, posgresql and nginx. But even if I want to use this cloud only within my ...
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In docker-compose, Error adding SSL Certificate to reverse proxy to consume websocket?

Deploying docker in windows 11 and working with docker-composer, I am trying to enable the ssl certificate for my setup where I want to enable nginx as a reverse proxy to allow secure websockets wss://...
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In Docker, how to integrate WebSocket into LAMP Service with an intermediary reverse proxy?

Good morning friends, I have the following docker-compose.yml file with which I install a reverse proxy and a LAMP stack with the phpmyadmin service. Note: I have practically created it from scratch ...
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Within Docker, how to correctly add a task to cron programmatically (scripting)? no errors are perceived in log

After several days of messing around with Docker, I have not found a solution to my problem. In short, I have tried to add cron to php:8.1-apache-bullseye and pass it a file with the task that I want ...
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Launch docker container from power shell fail, unexpected behavior?

I have created the following script in powershell for two objectives: read from an .env file the setup of the local urls of my development environment and deploy them to the Windows hosts file. take ...
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How does Docker Desktop work on Linux (Ubuntu)?

I was using Docker CLI when working with Linux. But recently I reinstalled my system so wanted to try Desktop version: enabled KVM, made sure file sharing thing is working, initialized pass thing, ...
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How to orchestrate three containers with docker-compose, making the applications communicate among themselves using the container name?

I have 3 images (todofront, todoback, and todotests), and I use docker-compose to orchestrate these images by creating the containers. Docker-compose: version: '3' services: todotests: image: ...

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