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Questions tagged [ansible]

Ansible is an IT automation tool. Use this tag for questions regarding the Ansible IT automation tools.

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How to solve Ansible venv runtime exception in specific versions?

I want to set up a venv with the following packages as these are specified in a project I'm working on: ionoscloud==6.1.4 pytest==6.2.5 pytest-cov==3.0.0 ansible==5.0.1 PyYAML==6.0 kubernetes==24.2.0 ...
Turtle10000's user avatar
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Upgraded Ansible with Python 3.8 but playbooks are now way slower that with python2.7, how to address slowdown?

When we were running RHEL7 our playbooks used to complete in about 1 hour with ansible-2.9.27-1.el7.noarch.rpm w/ python 2.7 + mitogen. Last year we upgraded to RHEL8 w/ python 3.8 and ansible-5.4 + ...
Jordan E's user avatar
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Error Ansible setup

Im setting up Ansible AWX on my ubuntu 22.04 machine. When running the install playbook ansible-playbook -i inventory install.yml I get the error below. Any ideas how to solve this error?enter code ...
menap's user avatar
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How to setup ssh-agent to persist keys after closing remote connection for use in cron jobs?

I have several cron jobs that require password protected ssh keys. The jobs run each morning and are consistently failing due to the agent not keeping the keys alive after disconnecting from the ...
code_dough's user avatar
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Ansible use connection: local option along with jump ssh

How to make Ansible use jump server ssh when there is the "connection: local" instruction? Ex: - name: snmp hosts: all gather_facts: false connection: local serial: 1 tasks: - ...
rogeriojlle's user avatar
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Using Ansible how to wait or recover when SSH service restarted?

Using Ansible how to wait or recover when SSH service restarted? I have an ansible playbook that does a few changes to SSH configuration, but of course Ansible loses the SSH connection when ssh is ...
Jibun no Kage's user avatar
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Validating Changes to pam.d (like visudo)

I'm working on an Ansible task for setting fingerprint sudo usage in MacOS. This is done through a custom rule in /etc/pam.d/sudo_local. Is there a method to pre-validate edits to PAM for safer ...
Excalibur's user avatar
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How to print stdout of results variable of previous task

I wrote this task - name: Enabling the repoistory shell: subscription-manager repos --enable={{ item }} register: _repostatus loop: &...
OmiPenguin's user avatar
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In ansible playbook for role, just call specific task file, other than main.yml

I have simple role to install Weblogic server; And now I want to add a deinstall.yml task file. At the moment I created a new simple playbook, and want to execute the file tasks/deinstall.yml with it. ...
groovehunter's user avatar
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Install a language with ASDF through Ansible on Debian

I'd like to write playbooks to install my development environment. Most steps went well, but I'm struggling to install Ruby through asdf. Playbooks are splitted and called from a main.yaml. The one ...
Sumak's user avatar
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always fail to set password for an account by using ansible

ansible all -i localhost, -m debug -a "msg={{ 'apassword' | password_hash('sha512', 'mysecretsalt') }}" output: $6$mysecretsalt$
Tiina's user avatar
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How to handle big files with ansible

While testing ansible, I stumbled over an issue with big files and ansible. My ansible directory for testing looks something like this: ansible |- ansible-testing | |- .git | |- big-file-playbook....
MaKaNu's user avatar
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psycopg.OperationalError: connection failed: password authentication failed for user "awx"

Running into an error with my Ansible AWX local setup. This was working before but, after I recreated the pods when trying to debug another issue, I now get the error psycopg.OperationalError: ...
eia92's user avatar
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Vagrant in WSL2 unable to run Windows 11 'cmd.exe'

Would appreciate help in using Vagrant and Ansible to spin-up and provision virtual servers managed by Hyper-V on Windows 11. Currently, I have the latest version of Vagrant (2.4.0) installed on both ...
Dead Pixel's user avatar
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Error when setting up Ansible AWX

Im setting up Ansible AWX on my Windows 10 machine using docker-compose. When running the install playbook ansible-playbook -i inventory install.yml I get the error below. Im able to see the login ...
eia92's user avatar
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