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Questions tagged [docker-compose]

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How to run and network Docker Swarm inside Docker containers?

I'm trying to get docker swarm to run inside docker-compose where containers fill the role of nodes. For educational purposes, I'd like to be able to simulate a distributed swarm via docker-compose. ...
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1 answer

Error when setting up Ansible AWX

Im setting up Ansible AWX on my Windows 10 machine using docker-compose. When running the install playbook ansible-playbook -i inventory install.yml I get the error below. Im able to see the login ...
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New to self-hosting and struggling with Monica CRM Docker setup (503 Error)

As someone new to self-hosting, I embarked on what I thought would be a relatively simple project: setting up Monica CRM using Docker. However, I've encountered an unexpected challenge and am seeking ...
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Configure Portainer Stacks from outside / from config files (not through the web ui)

I'm using Portainer to watch my Docker compose stacks and restart them with new image versions when the corresponding docker-compose.yml changes. My docker-compose.yml is inside a Github repo and ...
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2 answers

How to connect to WSL Docker Container using localhost keyword

Is there some way to connect to a container, running inside WSL 2, using the keyword localhost instead of To give more context, I have a Docker Compose to run a Microsoft SQL Server ...
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Why can my Docker host access containers on ipvlan when network parent is WiFi, but not when network parent is Ethernet?

I have a Docker compose setup that consists of two containers (though I will be adding more once I get past my current problem). I am running it on a Linux Mint machine with Docker 24.0.7 and Docker ...
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Error response from daemon, stat overlay no such file or directory after changing docker root location

I changed docker's data root on my system because the var partition was beginning to fill up, following this tutorial but substituting --data-root instead of -g. After making the switch, one of my ...
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How to install latest docker-compose without docker desktop

I have installed docker this way └─$ docker --version Docker version 24.0.5, build 24.0.5-0ubuntu1~20.04.1 then trying to ...
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Configure a Raspbery Pi Nextcloud local server to run https with Docker containers

I'm trying to set up a Nextcloud server on my local nextwork using a Raspberry Pi. To do so, I used 3 docker images: nextcloud, posgresql and nginx. But even if I want to use this cloud only within my ...
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In docker-compose, Error adding SSL Certificate to reverse proxy to consume websocket?

Deploying docker in windows 11 and working with docker-composer, I am trying to enable the ssl certificate for my setup where I want to enable nginx as a reverse proxy to allow secure websockets wss://...
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In Docker, how to integrate WebSocket into LAMP Service with an intermediary reverse proxy?

Good morning friends, I have the following docker-compose.yml file with which I install a reverse proxy and a LAMP stack with the phpmyadmin service. Note: I have practically created it from scratch ...
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Within Docker, how to correctly add a task to cron programmatically (scripting)? no errors are perceived in log

After several days of messing around with Docker, I have not found a solution to my problem. In short, I have tried to add cron to php:8.1-apache-bullseye and pass it a file with the task that I want ...
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Launch docker container from power shell fail, unexpected behavior?

I have created the following script in powershell for two objectives: read from an .env file the setup of the local urls of my development environment and deploy them to the Windows hosts file. take ...
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How does Docker Desktop work on Linux (Ubuntu)?

I was using Docker CLI when working with Linux. But recently I reinstalled my system so wanted to try Desktop version: enabled KVM, made sure file sharing thing is working, initialized pass thing, ...
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How to orchestrate three containers with docker-compose, making the applications communicate among themselves using the container name?

I have 3 images (todofront, todoback, and todotests), and I use docker-compose to orchestrate these images by creating the containers. Docker-compose: version: '3' services: todotests: image: ...

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