I have a Windows 10 machine with Private Internet Access (PIA) VPN service enabled. I need a Linux instance with direct internet connection, bypassing the VPN. However, all the virtual machines I create in Hyper-V connect through the PIA VPN. The same occurs with Windows Subsystem for Linux instances.

The PIA management app offers a "Split tunnel" feature that allows me to select an application and have it bypass the VPN. I have tried adding ubuntu.exe, wsl.exe and conhost.exe to the list but that doesn't work. Unfortunately, the PIA management app won't go any further than that, so I cannot add the Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter to the exclusion list.

I have contacted the PIA support team but they couldn't provide a solution.

How can I make my Hyper-V or WSL Linux instance bypass the PIA VPN?

  • WSL instances run under WindowsTerminal.exe, so you may try to exclude it, then run the WSL distribution.
    – harrymc
    Commented Dec 4, 2023 at 15:39
  • "Split tunnel" feature that allows me to select an application The problem is, traffics from VMs do not originate from a (local) "application" (unless the hypervisor provide the connectivity with something like "userspace NAT", which is not the case of Hyper-V or WSL). Network stack level IP forwarding is what is involved behind the scene. What you need would be alternate routing for some/all forwarded traffics. It is feasible in Linux. Not so sure about Windows.
    – Tom Yan
    Commented Dec 4, 2023 at 15:51
  • @harrymc I don't have Windows Terminal installed so WindowsTerminal.exe is not present in my machine.
    – rettiseert
    Commented Dec 5, 2023 at 15:00
  • 1
    You may exclude whatever is the executable. If unsure, get Process Explorer and drag the bullseye icon over the window.
    – harrymc
    Commented Dec 5, 2023 at 15:07
  • Could you explain how you've removed/prevented the installation of WindowsTerminal.exe? That is a core function of Windows now, and how you've modified your system may be relevant to finding the correct answer to this problem you're facing. Commented Dec 5, 2023 at 15:20


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