While recently trying to located some lost files, I noticed that my Windows Explorer search was not functioning properly. As a test, I typed in a file I knew existed in a location:

C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Adobe\Premiere Pro\11.0\Profile\Layouts\WorkspaceConfig.xml

so I typed this in the search field in Windows Explorer (searching the entire C drive), and the search results came back empty.

I ran a second test on C drive for another random file and the same thing happened. No results. I also tried logging into another account on Windows (barebone), with the same issues present.

Can anyone explain this, and what I might do to go about fixing it?

Running Windows 10 Pro 21H1 OS build 19043.1586

  • 1
    Not an answer, but I personally have often found Windows Search to be unreliable, especially if Windows hasn't indexed the file for some reason. Using a third-party program to search your disk may yield more reliable results. Commented Apr 2, 2022 at 17:57
  • Two alternatives I've used: DocFetcher, which builds indices, and Agent Ransack, for "live" searches. Commented Apr 3, 2022 at 1:44

1 Answer 1


I encountered kind of the same issue: I have added the whole Music folder to search faster inside. One day I tried to search here files with extension .mp3, it returned nothing! I went in the indexing settings and removed this folder from indexing. I let the files database being rebuilt and searched "mp3" again: voilà my files are back! Maybe the search is slower now, but at least it works. Hope it helped someone here ;)

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