My initial question was "What determines if a page can or can't be displayed in Reader View in Firefox?" but I found the answer on a Webmasters StackExchange question.

As far as I understand, sites that don't automatically show the option to enable Reader View have a problem with their code/tag/html/something. The Firefox support page for Reader View suggests something similar:

If a page is available in Reader View, the Reader View icon will appear in the address bar.

My question now is, if Reader View icon doesn't appear, is there a way to force enable Reader View on such pages?

I read this Reddit discussion but it doesn't answer my question.

I considered posting this question in Software Recommendations but I'm not sure an addon will provide a solution. Maybe this can be done with a script or a Firefox setting in about:config or something else entirely?


3 Answers 3


Solution 1: The Best One

You can try installing Activate Reader View, an add-on for Firefox that will force reader view even if the icon is not displayed.

This add-on adds a button to the toolbar. Clicking on it will (force) activate Reader View even if the icon in the address bar is not present.

Technically this Add-on prepends "about:reader?url=" to the current tab's address.

Solution 2: Manual

Use Reader View on any site/webpage by adding below prefix to the url in the address bar:


For example, to view https://example.com/page1.html in Reader View,
enter about:reader?url=https://example.com/page1.html in the address bar and proceed.

Note: Doesn't work always.

Solution 3: For older version of Firefox

Install Pentadactyl add-on for firefox and create a custom command:

:command reader execute "open about:reader?url=" + content.location.href

And then you type :reader to get the Reader View.

You can also map a keyboard shortcut to your custom command like so...

:nmap :reader

A simple Ctrl + R will force Reader View.

Note: Pentadactyl is (probably) no longer in development. Last release was in March 15, 2014 and works with Firefox 24.0 - 31.*

  • 4
    Prepending about:reader?url= was the winner for me. I don't want to become dependent on extensions and none of the other answers worked. Commented Feb 12, 2021 at 14:09
  • This is the proper answer right here superuser.com/a/1716485/194248
    – Vladan
    Commented Mar 31, 2023 at 13:44

I added the following to my userChrome.css file:

#reader-mode-button { 
    display: -moz-box !important; 
    visibility: visible !important;

This makes the icon in the address (aka awesome) bar always be displayed. Clicking on it in a page that isn't an article probably won't work. But it ensures that I can go to reader mode quickly on any page where it does work.


As a user pointed out, setting reader.parse-on-load.force-enabled to true (boolean) using about:config will force the icon to be visible as well, without the need to install this add-on.

From the comment page for the Activate Reader View extension (lightly edited).

  • This should be accepted answer, really
    – Vladan
    Commented Mar 31, 2023 at 13:43
  • Could it be that this setting "does not / does no longer" exist in the latest firefox 114.0? I did create this setting by using the plus icon but it still does not show up on a certain page.
    – surfmuggle
    Commented Jun 7, 2023 at 5:13
  • 3
    No longer works. See mozilla bug #1696698.
    – dragon
    Commented Sep 13, 2023 at 13:46

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