I've been using the Native MathML extension to make Wikipedia use MathML for its formulas. It worked fine, until I turned on the Firefox's Reader View (I'm using Firefox 67). In that mode, I selected a dark theme, and all the formulas appeared to not only be image-based (which would be a minor problem), but also black — on dark background, which seriously impairs readability.

I then tried following the Wikipedia's Displaying a formula guide and created my user page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:MyUserName/common.css (where MyUserName is replaced with actual name; this is by following User style help page), where I placed the recommended CSS code from Native MathML.

This worked normally — in normal mode. In Reader View this still failed — as if Firefox simply ignores all the CSS on the page in this mode.

I've also tried following this answer to add the CSS rules into the Reader view, but that was only respected in non-Reader mode, and Reader ignored this again.

So, how can I make Wikipedia actually show the MathML formulas in Firefox's Reader View?

1 Answer 1


It appears that the Reader view simply strips all the <math> tags from the Wikipedia pages, so indeed no stylesheet would help in getting MathML formulas show.

Instead, to get dark Wikipedia with white MathML formulas, I have now installed the Dark Mode Firefox extension — in addition to Native MathML. Just have to keep away from the Reader mode on Wikipedia.

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