In Firefox (Windows, latest version 50+), is there a way to configure it so that specific sites' pages are automatically opened in Reader View?

Firefox's Reader View help page didn't yield any results.

Please note: I am asking for an automated switch to Reader View (not manual like this question); and the question assumes that the given site fully supports Reader View, so every page already has the view icon available).


1 Answer 1


I think I have a reasonable answer for you, but it's a bit buggy.

Via the Readability based Reader View add-on I can get an entire site to switch to Reader mode.

Firstly, although this isn't the official FireFox Reader View it is using the underlying Readability library:

This extension enhances the readability of web pages by removing clutter. It uses Mozilla's Readability library to provide a similar experience to the one you get when using Firefox.

-- FAQ

Once you've installed it you can actually get an entire site to switch to Reader View via the options.

enter image description here

There is an 'Automatic Switch' section where you can specify

a comma-separated list of hostnames or regular expressions to automatically switch to the reader view

For example I chose mathshistory.st-andrews.ac.uk (note a regular URL https://mathshistory.st-andrews.ac.uk doesn't work).

On top of that I ticked the 'Link Opening' checkbox that opens the links in the Reader View also in the Reader View. This effectively means I can stay in Reader View for the entire site.

It has a bug/feature where if you use Alt+Backspace it switches back to normal view.

Since you want just a particular page you can use something like:


in the options.

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