I have 2 disks which were the only disks in a Linux RAID 1 array. The RAID information is still readable via mdadm when mounted externally via USB using my 2-bay disk dock. Is there a way I can read data from this array without installing them as internal drives? They were initially created on my QNAP NAS (TS-451+) and all bays of the NAS are occupied. I need to compare data in this array with another RAID 1 array in my NAS.

  • Generally it has to be on the same raid software and firmware, so I doubt it.
    – Moab
    Commented Apr 18, 2020 at 2:22

1 Answer 1


I was able to pull this together myself.

First step is to find out which device the external USB drives are.

df -h | grep -v qpkg

On a QNAP it's usually at the end of the list showing something like this:

/dev/sdf1                 1.8T      1.8T     58.2G  97% /share/external/DEV3302_1
/dev/sdg2               459.8G    362.0G     97.8G  79% /share/external/DEV3305_2

First column is the device name. Usually it's sdf[1-9] and sdg[1-9]. Then you can use mdadm command to run the RAID group:

mdadm -A -R /dev/md0 /dev/sdf3 /dev/sdg3

I used a non-existing device name md0. I dared not to use an existing one. Last step is to mount the newly started device using mount command:

mount -t ext4 /dev/md0 /mnt/extusbraid1

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