Would like to mount an windows ISO in a specific folder (/mnt/win7x64). The only thing I can do is mount using hdiutil mount windows.iso but it goes to /Volumes/something. The linux command mount -o loop,ro windows.iso somefolder doesn't work.

1 Answer 1


Remember that you are running macOS, not Linux. On the former, the preferred command to mount is hdiutil, which as you said you had success with. You just needed to read further down the man page until you found -mountroot path flag.

So assuming you already created and own /mnt folder, your correct command would be:

% hdiutil attach windows.iso -mountroot /mnt/win7x64

The Apple engineers prefer the term attach to mount, as this is an disk image and not a physical disk.

One final note, this command still will display an icon of your mounted ISO on your Desktop. If this is not desired, throw the -nobrowse flag. The man page is your friend.


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