Consider a spreadsheet for monitoring blood pressure. It has three columns: date, systolic pressure, and diastolic pressure. Each day, a new row is added. There's also a "Line with Markers" chart that plots the two measurements over time.

If I fail to record a measurement on a given day, the chart does the intuitive thing: The X axis steps consistently through time, but there are no markers on the days there are no measurements.

Date Sys Dia Comment
4/1/2024 127 69
4/2/2024 118 72
no measurement, no problem
4/4/2024 122 73

Suppose, though, I fail to record just one of the measurements. On a particular row I have the date and the systolic pressure but a blank cell for the diastolic pressure. The chart will show the diastolic pressure dropping to 0 on that day.

Date Sys Dia Comment
4/1/2024 127 69
4/2/2024 118 72
4/3/2024 120 Chart shows missing Dia as 0
4/4/2024 122 73

How do I get the chart to omit individual missing values rather than treating them as zero?

I was asked to include a picture: Screenshot from Excel showing how missing value is plotted as though it were 0.

  • 1
    Please add a picture of your chart doing this. Commented May 9 at 14:42

1 Answer 1


Right click on the chart and choose "Select Data" from the popup menu

In the resulting dialog box, choose "Gaps" from the drop down menu near the bottom

enter image description here

  • 1
    Accepted, because clearly that should be the right answer. But there must be a bug in the version I'm using. "Gaps" was already selected. The chart does leave a gap when there's no date and no measurement. But if there is a date and no measurement, it still plots it as though the measurement is 0. Commented May 10 at 14:35
  • I'm using Microsoft® Excel® 2019 MSO (Version 2403 Build 16.0.17425.20176) 64-bit. Commented May 10 at 14:36

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