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Added picture of the chart illustrating the problem as requested in the comments.
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Consider a spreadsheet for monitoring blood pressure. It has three columns: date, systolic pressure, and diastolic pressure. Each day, a new row is added. There's also a "Line with Markers" chart that plots the two measurements over time.

If I fail to record a measurement on a given day, the chart does the intuitive thing: The X axis steps consistently through time, but there are no markers on the days there are no measurements.

Date Sys Dia Comment
4/1/2024 127 69
4/2/2024 118 72
no measurement, no problem
4/4/2024 122 73

Suppose, though, I fail to record just one of the measurements. On a particular row I have the date and the systolic pressure but a blank cell for the diastolic pressure. The chart will show the diastolic pressure dropping to 0 on that day.

Date Sys Dia Comment
4/1/2024 127 69
4/2/2024 118 72
4/3/2024 120 Chart shows missing Dia as 0
4/4/2024 122 73

How do I get the chart to omit individual missing values rather than treating them as zero?

I was asked to include a picture: Screenshot from Excel showing how missing value is plotted as though it were 0.

Consider a spreadsheet for monitoring blood pressure. It has three columns: date, systolic pressure, and diastolic pressure. Each day, a new row is added. There's also a "Line with Markers" chart that plots the two measurements over time.

If I fail to record a measurement on a given day, the chart does the intuitive thing: The X axis steps consistently through time, but there are no markers on the days there are no measurements.

Date Sys Dia Comment
4/1/2024 127 69
4/2/2024 118 72
no measurement, no problem
4/4/2024 122 73

Suppose, though, I fail to record just one of the measurements. On a particular row I have the date and the systolic pressure but a blank cell for the diastolic pressure. The chart will show the diastolic pressure dropping to 0 on that day.

Date Sys Dia Comment
4/1/2024 127 69
4/2/2024 118 72
4/3/2024 120 Chart shows missing Dia as 0
4/4/2024 122 73

How do I get the chart to omit individual missing values rather than treating them as zero?

Consider a spreadsheet for monitoring blood pressure. It has three columns: date, systolic pressure, and diastolic pressure. Each day, a new row is added. There's also a "Line with Markers" chart that plots the two measurements over time.

If I fail to record a measurement on a given day, the chart does the intuitive thing: The X axis steps consistently through time, but there are no markers on the days there are no measurements.

Date Sys Dia Comment
4/1/2024 127 69
4/2/2024 118 72
no measurement, no problem
4/4/2024 122 73

Suppose, though, I fail to record just one of the measurements. On a particular row I have the date and the systolic pressure but a blank cell for the diastolic pressure. The chart will show the diastolic pressure dropping to 0 on that day.

Date Sys Dia Comment
4/1/2024 127 69
4/2/2024 118 72
4/3/2024 120 Chart shows missing Dia as 0
4/4/2024 122 73

How do I get the chart to omit individual missing values rather than treating them as zero?

I was asked to include a picture: Screenshot from Excel showing how missing value is plotted as though it were 0.

Source Link

Plotting data with missing points in Excel

Consider a spreadsheet for monitoring blood pressure. It has three columns: date, systolic pressure, and diastolic pressure. Each day, a new row is added. There's also a "Line with Markers" chart that plots the two measurements over time.

If I fail to record a measurement on a given day, the chart does the intuitive thing: The X axis steps consistently through time, but there are no markers on the days there are no measurements.

Date Sys Dia Comment
4/1/2024 127 69
4/2/2024 118 72
no measurement, no problem
4/4/2024 122 73

Suppose, though, I fail to record just one of the measurements. On a particular row I have the date and the systolic pressure but a blank cell for the diastolic pressure. The chart will show the diastolic pressure dropping to 0 on that day.

Date Sys Dia Comment
4/1/2024 127 69
4/2/2024 118 72
4/3/2024 120 Chart shows missing Dia as 0
4/4/2024 122 73

How do I get the chart to omit individual missing values rather than treating them as zero?