Currently I am working on a Wordpress website on my local host (wampserver) and I suspect that the website has a malicious plugin that may be sending data to or interacting with another website.

How can I watch my server to see if it sends any request or receives any data from the internet or not. is it possible? if yes is it possible to see what website domain it was interacting with?


2 Answers 2


The best tool for this is WireShark, which is a network watching utility that can capture and display all communication across a network with capabilities for filtering and logging.

You'll want to run Wireshark, capture some packets, and then apply appropriate filters so that you're only capturing traffic to and from the WAMP server host.

Looking through these captures you should then be able to see any and all traffic to and from the WAMP server, and for much of it, the destination and content as well.


There are many of tools that can help you.

First off, I would recommend Fiddler. Fiddler is my go to application for troubleshooting web based networking issues. I cannot recommend it enough.

Secondly, there is Wireshark. Wireshark lets you see everything. However, it is a tool for advanced users. I would stick with Fiddler.

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