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Bad speeds? Crappy connection? It might be YOUR FAULT.
Status: may be stale. Editors: Raydr,Axilla,

1. Introduction

2. CATV Wiring

3. Common Problems

3.1 Ingress

3.2 Fuzzy Picture on ALL Channels

3.3 Fuzzy Picture on LOW channels

3.4 Fuzzy Picture on HIGH channels

3.5 Digital Cable

3.9 Member Questions

4. Splitters

4.1 Common Passive Splitters

4.2 Active Splitters

4.3 DC Taps (special splitters)

4.4 Amplifiers

5. Cable Modems

5.1 Provisioning (Activation)

5.2 Modem Boot Up

5.3 Modem Troubleshooting

7. Off Topic

8. Out of curiousity...

9. Terminology

10. Tables/References


  • Contributers: BuffordT See Profile (2), jchambers106 See Profile (1), skiziks See Profile (1), jmo9 See Profile (2), justin See Profile (4), ergibbs See Profile (16), gahan See Profile (2), kevlarpants See Profile (1), TrueAudio See Profile (2), meowgirl See Profile (1), kongy See Profile (1), drcable See Profile (4), Axilla See Profile (8), Kryic See Profile (1), wmgoat See Profile (2), Randy34 See Profile (2), ithxp See Profile (2), urbroadband See Profile (2), alligata See Profile (2), redxii See Profile (2), bobfiegel See Profile (1), glimrman See Profile (1), StillLearn See Profile (2), mbernste See Profile (2), heezus See Profile (1), nwilcox See Profile (2), fatness See Profile (1), marcdarst See Profile (1), xer008 See Profile (2), rogerthat9 See Profile (1), tbrown3123 See Profile (1), cablecablguy See Profile (2), Raydr See Profile (238), rahlquist See Profile (1), paiadave See Profile (1), whitakerb3 See Profile (1), refik See Profile (2), chanan4 See Profile (2).
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