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This shows how hard your cable modem is working to talk back to your provider. If this number is above 55, it means that your cable modem is not running efficiently.

Make sure that you are not making the cable modem go through unnecessary splitters, as this adds to the upstream power.

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • One thing to consider if adding splitters to increase the return value is that it also decreases forward signals equally.

    2012-01-12 07:55:06

  • Yes it will. A 2 way will have a forward loss of 3.5 db and case you modem to transmit 3.5 db higher/

    2011-04-02 07:07:53

  • What if your upstream power level is too low will adding splitters help that or not.

    2010-10-17 07:29:45 (Gib4500 See Profile)

Expand got feedback?

by Raydr See Profile
last modified: 2002-02-27 19:51:52